The Question of Trust

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"I can't believe you're still holding a grudge over that, we thought you dead. We had no choice," Klaus tries to reason but I ignore him.

"You always have a choice! And you chose to run. You-" I start but I cut off when Klaus jumps up from his seat, holding onto his chest. "What is it?" I question even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. Klaus ignores my question and looks at me with wide-eyes.

"What did you do?" He asks me as I stand up beside him.

"Nothing," I respond but Klaus just grabs onto me instead.

"What did you do?" He repeats but this time he's screaming at me.

"I didn't do anything. Stop it!" Klaus looks at me again before releasing me. A thought seems to hit him.

"Kol," he mutters, dashing across the street. I vamp speed after him, seeing Alaric and Stefan down on the ground.

"Stefan!" I rush down towards my twin's side, placing a hand on his arm, checking to see how badly he is hurt.

"I should have killed you months ago," Klaus tells Damon, stepping closer to him.

"Do it! It's still not going to stop Esther from killing you," Damon replies, not frightened by Klaus's threats.

"What did you say about my mother?" Klaus asks him, walking toward him in anger.

"You didn't know I was friends with your mummy? Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do." I stand up just as Klaus starts to lunge for Damon. I'm about to intervene but someone else beats me to it.

"Leave him," Elijah orders. "We still need them Niklaus." Klaus turns around to face his brother. I too look up at Elijah, seeing the gray veins disappear from his face. Klaus must have pulled the dagger out of Kol before I got here.

"What did mother do?" Klaus asks his brother. "What did she do Elijah?" He growls, but Elijah just ignores Klaus's question and starts heading towards Damon, I inch closer to Damon as well in case I have to step in.

"Tell me where the witches are, or I'll call my sister right now and tell her to kill Elena," Elijah threatens Damon, holding up his phone for show. I watch Damon glance at the town clock, I follow his gaze.

It's only 8:30.

"You told us we had until after nine," I speak up. Elijah doesn't even glance back at me before responding,

"I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early."


We pull up to the woods surrounding some old witch house, Damon driving, Stefan in the passenger seat, and me in the back, where apparently over 100 witches were burned at the stake. Already I can feel their spirits.

"So how do we know that they're going to be at the old witch house?" Damon asks out loud as he puts the car in park, concealing ourselves in the woods..

"We don't," Stefan bluntly replies. "But if they're not, then we have about ten minutes until Rebekah tears Elena apart." He glances at Damon to gauge his reaction.

"You know, if we sit this out, Esther completes her spell, Klaus dies, you get your revenge. It's what you wanted the whole time," Damon remind Stefan, meeting his look.

"Yeah, but then Elena's collateral damage. Aren't you two supposed to be in love with her?" I say from the backseat. Both of them ignore me and continue with their conversation.

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