Ungrateful Swine

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Damon's POV

        I grin when the Hybrid opens the front door. Klaus grits his teeth as he sees that it's me. "Ah, what an unpleasant surprise."

        ignoring him, I pass him and enter his living room. "So I just came up with a list. It's called "Things You Suck At." I pause, turning around to face Klaus, who hangs back in the threshold of the room. "Number one: Finding Katherine. Ever. Number two: covering up your secret phone conversations with that little backstabber Hayley." I flash the records of their phone conversations in my hand before throwing them down on an end table next to the couch. "Yeah, so, where is she? What does she know about Katherine?"

        Klaus's eyes narrow as he glares at me. "I should help you?" I nod, smirking. "After you lot killed my brother and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?"

        "You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems." I ignore his whining as I step closer to him. Nothing we've done to him is as bad as what he's done to us. He stares at me blinking. I take this as my cue to continue before he can make some sarcastic remark. "Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine."

        He smirks, sending a feeling of exhaustion into my veins. Why can't he ever make this easy? "Can't help you, mate," he mutters as he passes me to take a seat on his couch. "Hayley's off limits." A grimace takes place on my face. "Although, I did have a run in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is." I turn to face him. Though considering his mocking tone, I know he won't give me anything. "Too bad for you, I bit halfway through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chit-chat."

        I let Klaus enjoy himself for a moment, thinking he had the last word. Then, I slowly lift my lips into a smirk. At my expression, I watch as he tenses against the couch. "So, you've confirmed that you've been having secret phone calls with Hayley. Hmm," I drag out, lifting a hand to my chin as I pretend to ponder a question. "Now who's a certain blonde haired vampire that I know who might find information like this interesting." Klaus's glare is heavy as I feel it burning into me, but I continue, pacing the room. "I mean, surely you wouldn't want Lily to hear about your private meetings with Hayley. If only there was something you could do for me that would ensure my lips remaining sealed." I pause, spinning around to face him.

        Sitting up, Klaus looks at me grimly. His eyes hostile as he watches me. "You know, Lily always told me you were the funnier brother. I'm not sure I've found the proof to agree until now." He stands, pushing his shoulders back as he steps closer to me. "You're really going to use your sister's feelings as leverage?"

        I hate the way he phrased that. It makes me sound like the villain. I'm not using Lily. "No. But I'll use yours. You've made it clear how you feel about my sister. I have no doubt that now that you've finally worked your way into her good graces you want to stay there. Don't you think her learning about your werewolf side lover might ruin that?"

        "Hayley's not my anything." He growls at me.

        I tilt my head, mischief in my voice. "That may be true, but are you sure that that's how my sister will look at it?" Klaus's eyes brighten with anger. I have no doubt he's imagining several ways to kill me right now. "C'mon, Klaus. You don't think I know? About the two of you getting together the other night? I almost barfed when Stefan told me." I take a step closer to him, invading his space. "I don't like you, Klaus. And I don't want you anywhere near my baby sister. And I've tried to be understanding. I've sat back, keeping my opinion to myself, letting Lily make her own decisions, but that doesn't mean I won't take the first opportunity I get to finally prove to her how wrong you are for her."

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