The Hunter's Curse

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        A distressed call, followed by insistent knocking on my door courtesy of my oldest brother had me groaning as I roll out of bed. Crossing over to my door, I open it with a glare on my face. "What?" I ask, my voice deadpanned.

Damon smirks at me. "Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty." Reaching out, he ruffles my hair which is already frizzy, sticking out at different angles. I shove him away, straightening out my rumpled clothes.

I cross my arms over my chest. "What do you want?"

"Elena needs our help, get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs in 15." He turns around and walks away. I groan, rolling my eyes. Sluggishly, I walk into my closet, throwing on an outfit. Stepping to my vanity, I brush out my hair and put on my makeup. In fifteen minutes, I meet Damon downstairs.

He stands by the door, swinging his keys around on his finger. He nods in my direction as I approach. "Ready?" I nod in return and we head to his mustang, getting in.

The sight that beholds us at the Gilbert Household is shocking at the very least, and a little humorous. Lying on the couch, obviously dead due to the blood on the side of his neck, is Jeremy Gilbert. As we enter the living room, Elena pauses her pacing. Her face is stretched in terror and it's clear to see that she's been crying.

I hum, picking up on what happened. Obviously, Elena went psycho and killed her own brother. I roll my eyes, of course she did. Damon steps to comfort her, but she steps back, flustered.

"I can't believe this happened. What am I going to say to him?" She paces again. My eyes flick to the blood dried on her hands. Wow, she's losing it and fast.

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" Elena turns and glares at Damon. I snort at my older brother's attempt of comfort. He shrugs, "You should have called Stefan."

"I don't want to talk to him. He's been lying to me and hiding things from me. He compelled Jeremy to forget God knows what."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I send a glance in Jeremy's direction. "To be honest, I think you killing Jeremy kind of trumps that." Elena's eyes find mine before quickly looking away. Damon sends me a pointed look. I shrug, it's not like he was doing any better with comforting her, and besides I don't really care to comfort her right now. She did this to herself.

Damon sighs, "You should have called Stefan."

Elena looks to him. "I don't trust him right now, Damon."

A creak from the door rings out, followed by "Hey." Stepping into the house, Stefan's face is already tightened in concern.

"PS, I called Stefan," Damon whispers. I grin, thinking back to the phone call that he made to our sibling on the ride over here.

Stefan walks to Elena, "What happened? Why didn't you call me?"

Elena turns toward him, but refuses to meet his gaze. "I just - I need to go upstairs and shower. Clean all the blood off my hands." In a haste, she heads upstairs. Stefan glances toward me, a nonverbal question about the state of Elena's mind, but I shrug. She's not my girlfriend, she's not even my friend. I don't know how she thinks. But...I do know something.

With hesitation, I part my lips to speak, but a loud gasp, Jeremy sitting up, beats me to it. "Welcome back. How are you feeling?" Stefan gazes down on the little Gilbert.

"What happened?" He asks, panic filling his voice as he looks to the three of us.

"Your sister killed you," I answer him. Jeremy's forehead creases. Damon hits my arm, a grimace on his face. "What?" I question innocently.

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