It's Been Too Long

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        I speed down the road, music blaring from my car. After being taken hostage twice, thinking people were dead only for them to show up alive, confessions of love, and plenty of rescue missions these last few days, I decided I needed a little break. And what calls for a better break than hitting up New York City! It's been a while since I've been, but if memories serves right, there will be plenty of distractions to take my mind off of Mystic Falls there. This time I was smart and didn't tell Stefan and Damon I was leaving. I didn't want all the questions. Instead, I left a note. They should have found it by now, yet no calls. Hopefully, they realize I need this. I did never like being stuck in one place for too long. The last time I spent more than a year in a place was New Orleans...with the Mikaelsons. But that was a different time. A time I didn't want to dwell on. Shaking my head, I turn the music louder to block out all thoughts. Laying my head back against the headrest, I sigh, relaxing, and drive.

After hours in city traffic, I pull into the parking garage of a hotel. Jumping out of my car, I lock it and head into the lobby. A man in what seems to be his late 30s greets me with a smile on his face. "Hello Ms. what can I assist you with today?" His eyes fleet to the small bag resting in the crook of my elbow.

I mirror his smile, leaning in close. Latching my blue eyes onto his toffee colored ones, I compel him. "You are going to give me your nicest suite free of charge with free, unlimited room service." I release him, leaning back. The man blinks twice, smiling at me once more.

"I'm going to give you our nicest suite free of charge with free, unlimited room service," he repeats. He taps on the screen in front of him, getting the key card ready.

I place a hand on my chest, twisting my face into one of false joy. "Oh my goodness, you are so nice!" The man hands me a key card. "Thank you so much, truly!"

"It was nothing, have a good day now!" He waves to me as I begin to walk away. Making it to the elevator, I select the button for the top floor, rolling my eyes. Compulsion was truly a gift. And now because of it I have an awesome suite to myself. The elevator dings, opening and I step out. Finding my room, I open the two French doors and step inside. An extravagant living room greets me, sparkling with it's gold accents. Closing the doors behind me, I explore the suite some more. There's a full size kitchen, a large bathroom, and two different bedrooms. I pick the bedroom with the best view, opening the blinds to smile down at the bustling city of New York. I've been away for too long. With glee, I drop my bag and jump onto the king sized bed, spreading my limbs. Already, I'm feeling relaxed. I close my eyes and let out a sigh, releasing everything I've kept stuffed inside since arriving in Mystic Falls.

But my peace ends when my phone rings. The shrill of its ring loud in my ears as I groan, answering it without looking at the Caller I.D., which was a mistake. "Hello?"

"Lily," the voice breathes. I sit up.

"What do you want?" I ask dryly, not in the mood to deal with him.

"Why do you always assume that I want something. Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice, love. Is that really that hard to believe?"

I scoff, "Coming from you Klaus, yes it is. So let's cut the bullshit and you tell me why you're calling." My feet dangle off the bed as I stare out into the streets below me.

There's a pause on the other side then a breath of defeat. "The truth, Lily, is that I wanted to finish what we had started yesterday. I wasn't lying when I said that I love you. I never did stop. And if you can find some way to forgive me, to take me back-"

"Klaus," I cut him off.

"No, Lily. I need to say this. I want to be with you, to have what we had. I want you."

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