The Ball

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        I wake up and change before heading downstairs. Strange, I think to myself, I don't hear anything. That means that my brothers are probably off somewhere playing hero. I roll my eyes at the thought, knowing their probably with Elena. I need to find them so we can talk about the Originals, so I guess to the Gilbert house I go. Starting towards the front door I stop when I notice a yellow sticky-note. Curious, I grab it and read.

At Elena's

        Rolling my eyes at their predictability I get in my car, turning the sticky note over to find directions to her house.


        "Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us," I hear Elena say from the other side of the door. Since I haven't been invited in I ring the doorbell, but not before noticing an envelope on the doormat. I pick it up and on the front in fancy writing is Elena's name, hmm. Elena opens the door and looks shocked to see me there.

        "I'm just saying that Elijah is usually good on his promises but he can't promise anything for the rest of his screwed up family," I tell Elena, glancing at her. "Can I come in now?" Elena seems hesitant and when my brothers appear behind her she looks back at them in question if I can be trusted. I roll my eyes at her dependency. They give her a nod of approval before she invites me in. Stepping through I meet the rest of them in the foyer and hand Elena the envelope. "This was on your doormat."

        "What is it?" Damon questions, stepping closer to Elena as she looks at it.

        "It's an invitation," Elena mumbles. She begins to read it out loud, "Please join the Mikaelson family, at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration." I scoff at the invite, of course they would do this.

        "Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" Stefan asks to no one in particular, but I answer for him.

        "The Original Family."

        Damon scoffs at this, "It's not bad enough that they're moving into town, now they want a house warming gift."

        "Wait, there's a note on the back," Elena says turning the invite over. "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet, Esther." This peeks my interest, why would the Originals Witch want to speak with Elena? "If Esther wants to talk to me, maybe I should find out why." Elena glances at my brothers but Damon quickly shuts her down.

        "Well that's a dumb idea. She already tried to kill you once."

        "No Elena's right, Bonnie was lead to open that coffin for a reason. I think there's more to this than just some family reunion," Stefan replies. I can't help but agree, the Mikaelsons always have an underlying purpose to everything they do.

        Damon seems appalled to Stefan taking Elena's side, "Can we go back in time to the old Stefan who cared if Elena lived or died?"

        "What for? That's your job now," Stefan retorts.

        "Stefan has a point Damon," I say, breaking the tension between them. "The Mikaelsons are not ones to just throw a party, there's always ulterior motive. And if you want to kill them, Esther might be are only chance."

        "Stefan and Lily are right, I think I should go," Elena says, clearly interested in what Esther has to say too.

        "How are you going to protect yourself?" Damon questions, angry at all of us for going against him.

        "I'll go," Stefan offers.

        "Please," Damon scoffs. "You've pissed off enough Originals to last a lifetime. I'll go." And with that Damon takes the invite from Elena and leaves. I roll my eyes at his tantrum. To be honest I don't care who goes with Elena. But if she wants to speak with Esther then we are going to have to find a way to keep Damon distracted, which won't be easy with Elena on his mind.

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