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Lindsay Wayfair stands in front of me with a wicked smile twisting her lips. Her dark plum hair pulled back into a sleek high pony as a dark navy dress slinks from her shoulders, falling onto her curves effortlessly. Her dark eyes meet mine as she releases her grip from my elbow. "I never thought I would find the famous Lily in my club. This is surely a surprise." She raises a thick eyebrow at me.

        My mouth gapes. "Y-Your club?"

        She smirks, twisting her hair with one finger. "Of course. Natalie and I renovated it a few years ago." Her head tilts as her eyes scrutinize me. "I'm shocked you didn't already have that information." The concern that crosses her forehead is fake, reminding me just who I was talking to.

        Recovering from my initial surprise, I straighten up. "Well, I guess you and your sister just aren't relevant enough." I shrug. My lips pout mockingly.

        A flash of irritation passes through Lindsay's black eyes, but she brushes it away as she smiles at me. "Or maybe you've just spent too much time in small towns to know any better. How is Mystic Falls anyways?"

        I'm sure to keep my face blank of emotions, staring up at her innocently. "Really relaxing actually. It's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of big cities." I smile at her. "Maybe you should try it. It might just calm those deep wrinkles you have happening." I gesture to her forehead, which is crinkled in aggravation.

        At her sides, her fingers curl into fists. Her brows pull together in a scowl as she takes a step closer to me. "You may think that you're something special, Lily Salvatore," she spits my last name at me, "but one day you're going to wake up and realize that you're nothing. All you'll be is a worthless nobody, alone and bitter. For who will stick around once they realize what you really are?"

        I bite my lip to keep me from showing that she's affected me. Lowering my voice dangerously, I ask, "And what is that?"

        Lindsay takes my challenge in stride. "Nothing but a-"

        "Lindsay!" A voice calls from the side. Lindsay pulls back, her head swinging to the side. I follow her gaze. Approaching us is no other than Natalie Wayfair. Great, now there's two of them to annoy me. Her fire red hair sways side to side as Natalie joins her twin sister's side. Her black eyes, identical to Lindsay's, find mine. A cruel smile spreads her cheeks. "Lily, it's been a while. I haven't seen you in these parts in a long time. What brings you back?"

        I shrug, refusing to give in to her plastic niceness. "Oh, you know me. I need to shake things up once in a while." I pause, placing a finger to my chin. "That reminds me, how is Bryon?" I level her harsh gaze with a subtle smirk.

        She glowers at me, clicking her tongue. "Probably hitting on some poor girl somewhere." She eases her face neutral once more. "How would I know? We don't speak anymore."

        I hum in pity. "That's too bad." I furrow my brows in pretend concentration. "I think the last time I saw him was right before Nate and I left, but of course you two wouldn't come up in any of our conversations." This time my words affect both of them as Lindsay and Natalie tense.

        "I didn't think you and Nate still talked," Lindsay mutters. Her normally sharp eyes seem to soften at the mention of her brother. If I didn't know how wicked they could be I would almost feel bad for them. But they're the 'Wicked Wayfair Sisters' and they aim to stay true to the name. Nate never wanted to be associated with that. That was something that we connected over. Just like him I didn't want to be associated with the reputation my siblings created for our family name. It's why I chose to neglect my last name for so long. But Nate didn't have that choice. So instead, he ran. He ran and never looked back. The truth is I haven't talked to him recently. The last time I saw him was years ago. I had ran away with him to Dublin and we were happy, so happy. But then things turned serious and I left.

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