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The paladins of Voltron explored the castle that belongs to Queen Artemis and King Orion. Lance walked with Hunk and Pidge as he stared at the light blue walls with dark blue trim. "Blue paladin, green paladin, yellow paladin!" A short woman with sunshine yellow hair and ice blue skin smiled warmly at the paladins. The maid and the Voltron paladins made their way to the dinning room where a great deal of guests have already been seated. "Now that we have everyone here, we can start" Artemis stood up and smiled towards everyone. "Thank all of you for coming out here" Orion said as he also stood.

Shiro sat next to Artemis, then it was Allura, then Coran, then Keith, then Lance, then Pidge, then Hunk, and next to Hunk is Leon and Anna. Servants set down trays of food and Hunk's face grew happy. Everyone dug in and conversed with each other. At the end of the feast, Artemis stood once again. "Now that everyone is fed, we have a ballroom to dance in!" Artemis waved her hand and torches were lit by themselves and a huge ballroom with white marble flooring and pink streamers hung from the walls.

"Care to dance, Shiro?" Allura asked Shiro, the black paladin smiled and nodded. Allura stuck out her hand and Shiro grabbed a hold of it and together they strutted fabulously into the ballroom. "Hello, care to dance, love?" Orion inquired to Artemis and the auburn haired female nodded and Orion put his arm around Artemis' waist; together they walked into the ballroom.

Hunk turned slowly to Pidge, "Want to dance?", and Pidge smiled, grabbed Hunk's hand and pulled him out to the dance floor. Keith and Lance stood there awkwardly and them both sat on a bench.

298 Words

Published, 08/13/2018

Klance action going to the blossoming soon, don't want to do it too fast and make it illogical.


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