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While at breakfast, Lance sat next to Keith, then Shiro sat next to Allura, Hunk sat next to Pidge, and then Coran sat at the end. "So, guys" Shiro started while standing up, "Last night, Keith, Allura, and I found Kari attempting to steal information from the castle" he stated.

"Why did we just let her in?" Lance threw his hands into the air. "Also, three weeks ago, Allura and I started dating" Shiro said. "Knew it" Lance and Pidge said at the same time, and Hunk smiled, "Congrats".

"Congratulations, princess" Coran clapped, and soon others joined in.

Allura and Shiro smiled, and Shiro side hugged Allura. "You are so cute!" Hunk gushed and Lance nodded. "You better treat her right" Coran advised, "Not only would you get it handed to you by Allura, you also have all of us to deal with" Coran pushed out his chest. Everyone nodded and Shiro gulped, "You have nothing to worry about" Shiro smiled.

 Later, Pidge pulled Lance aside and they went into Pidge's room. "Okay, Lance, what are all of your abilities?" Pidge asked while sitting at their desk, and grabbed a notebook. "So far they are, shape shifting, Telekinesis, and I get visions from the past or future" Lance told the green paladin. "What is the most recent vision you had?" Pidge asked, "I saw part of the battle between the Galra and Altea, where Alfor sends a baby into space, their name is Jace, and then when I woke up, there was this tattoo" Lance took off the new bandage and showed Pidge the name tattoo.

"Are you sure you weren't just drunk and got this tattooed on?" Pidge joked and Lance rolled his eyes.  "Hardy har" Lance and Pidge laughed and then Pidge wrote the information down. "Could this mean you're Jace?" Pidge asked, "That's what I thought" Lance said.

"I'll have to scan the library some more, to see if I find anything, but if I find anything else, I'll tell you" Pidge said and shooed Lance out. He quickly went into his room, and placed a new bandage.

"Hey, Lance, I have to confess something" Keith said, looking at himself in the mirror. He sighed and rubbed his face, "No, that sounds stupid" he laid onto the bed. "What should I do?" He asked himself.

"What am I going to do?"

394 Words

Published, 09/30/2018


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