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After hard work, Shiro, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Allura and Coran finally finished fixing the ship and was getting ready for a rescue mission. Allura and Coran were staying on the Castle of Lions and everyone else was getting ready to get into their Lions.

"Be careful guys, without the Blue Lion, we can't form Voltron" Allura told them and the team nodded. Hopping into the Lions, they team flew into space.

"I'm sending you the location of the Blue Lion, the one I picked up" Coran sent everyone the location and they started flying to it, being also careful

"Lance are you okay?" Romelle asked the male who was staring off into space, "Yeah, I'm okay" Lance nodded and it didn't help to calm her nerves. Romelle nodded and went back to her book, only half-way paying attention to it.

The team pulled up to the Galra ship and snuck around to the bottom of the ship, where there is the least amount of ships and got out of the Lions, but left Hunk in his to keep watch. "We'll be ask quick as we can" Pidge told him and Hunk nodded.

 They parted ways. Keith with Pidge and Shiro went on his own. "Okay, we don't have Lance's location, be careful" Hunk told them through the helmets, but the others stayed quite.

Keith crouched and froze when he heard what he thinks is Lace's voice, "Keith?". Snapping his head around his sees Lance sitting in an open cell, just chained to the wall.

Pidge isn't seeing Lance, nor hearing him, and just continues walking, not noticing Keith straying away from them.

As soon as he get's into the cell, the door snaps shut and a metal door closes behind it. The Lance disappears and gas floods into the room. The gas somehow sneaks into Keith's helmet and Keith falls to the floor.

"Keith?" Pidge turns around to find the Red Paladin gone. Guards start firing at the Green Paladin and Pidge ran off. "Shiro, Keith split off from me, I don't know here he is" Pidge told the Black Paladin. "Noted".

Pidge found them self inside of a main control area. They saw Lotor standing in front of the Blue Lion. 

 "How's Jace doing?" Lotor asked Haggar, "He's doing fine, we caught the Red Paladin, and we're fighting the Yellow Lion and we know that they Green and Black Paladin are aboard" Haggar told him and Pidge whispered to Shiro, "They know about us, we need to evacuate".

"They found me" Shiro told Pidge and Pidge went to leave the room, but felt people grabbed theme from behind, by the arms. They summoned their Bayard and began attacking the Galran Soldiers.

"Keith! Where are you?" Shiro shouted through the coms, but got no answer. Shiro rounded the corner and was met with even more Galra soldiers. Shiro grunted and went full force into running straight ahead, punching the soldiers with his robot hand and managed to get to the other side, the only wound being the not very deep cut on his cheek.

Pidge front flipped over the soldiers and swung their Bayard at one of them, slicing through the middle and it falls to the floor. Pidge panted and began running once again.

"We'll soon get overran, we need to leave" Shiro hissed in pain and a solider kicked him in the side of the head and Shiro than caught his foot, throwing him on the floor and sticking his hand through the robot's chest.

"What about Lonce?" Allura asked, "We'll have to come back another time" Shiro didn't want to leave without Lance, but it seemed to be their best option at the time.

Pidge nodded, "Seems the most logical". Pidge ran out of the room and into the hallway, soldiers following close behind, and met up with Shiro.

"Where's Keith?" Pidge asked, "I don't know, I haven't gotten any word from him" Shiro had worry laced deep in his voice. "I heard from Haggar that they caught him, maybe it's true" Pidge told him, "We have to find him".

"Guys! There's a whole bunch of them out here!" Hunk shouted and the Green and Black paladins hid behind the walls as soldiers began firing at them. "I'll try to pick up Keith's location" Pidge began typing away, "Aha! Found it! Follow me!" Pidge ran and Shiro was close behind.

"Here!" They approached the cell and Shiro put his Galra hand onto the scanner and it opened up. The metal doors opened and the bars followed behind quickly, and there was Keith.

Shiro threw him over his shoulder and they ran to the Lions.

They attached Red to Yellow and flew to the Castle.

787 Words

Published, 11/21/2018.

Thanksgiving tomorrow! I won't be able to post, was barley able to today.


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