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3 months later
Emery's POV
I watched Asher walk back into the clearing as I looked down from our bedroom.I looked down at the pregnancy test in front of me.It was in the box waiting to be checked.I seen Asher stare up at me.I seen him sprint for the house and gasped.
"Baby are you okay"
"I'm okay"
"Then why are you hiding from me"
"I'm in the bathroom"
"Okay well come out when your done"
"Okay"I opened the box quietly and quickly.Sinking to my knees when I seen the negative sign.I put the test in the bottom of our trash can and flushed the toilet to throw Asher off.I walked out to see him asleep on our bed.My heart warmed at the sight as he pressed his face into my neck when I slid in next to him.He opened his arms and tucked me into his chest.
Mm baby he mumbled.
Sh I mumbled and I frowned as he breathed in my scent and pulled away from me slowly.
Hm he mumbled softly.His nose trailing up my neck.
What's wrong I whispered.
You smell different he whispered.
Is it bad I mumbled.
"No baby of course not..I just can't put my finger on it"
I'm late I whispered and his eyes widened.
You are he mumbled his fingers combing through my hair.
Mhm I whimpered.
"Hey it's okay baby don't be scared"
The test came out negative I sobbed.
Oh baby it's okay why didn't you tell me I could of been in here helping you he whispered.
I didn't want to make you upset I whimpered clutching his shirt as hot tears ran down my cheeks.
Oh baby I'd never be upset with you he whispered kissing my forehead.
I want to make you happy though I hiccuped.
"You do baby everyday I promise"
"Don't lie I'm nothing"
Hey where's this coming from he whispered tipping my face up.
What if there is something wrong with me I whimpered and Asher stayed quiet for a minute.
"Then we will figure something out baby..why don't we go for a run to take your mind off everything"
"Just the two of us"
"Just the two of us"I nodded slowly and he pulled me to his chest our lips in perfect sync as he kissed me with all the love he had.His hand held my hip and he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him.
Baby Asher shouted through our link as I shifted back puking the contents of my stomach out behind an oak tree.I didn't care that I was stark naked.It was only Asher and I out here the patrol was on the south side.
'Baby there you are'I coughed harshly and wiped my mouth off.
"Here baby let's head back"I turned around to see he had shifted back into human form.He held an outfit in his hands of mine.
"Here Brittany ran these out for us"
Thank you I whispered sliding on the underwear plus a sports bra.I slipped on the plain T-shirt and some athletic shorts and Asher picked me up.I nuzzled into him to tired to argue.
The run must of wore you out hm he whispered his hands rubbing my thigh.I didn't respond but kissed his mark in response.We walked in the pack house and I felt him punch in the code to get into our room.I hummed softly in contentment as I was covered in our duvet.
"Sleep baby I'll join you soon"
"Okay Ashy"I heard the shower water start and felt my eye lids get heavy.
Asher's POV
I watched her sleep peacefully.Her eyelids fluttering gently as she nuzzled into her arm.I looked out the window to see my patrol coming back.I walked downstairs and seen Derek and Brittany lip locked in the kitchen.
"You do know you guys have a bedroom"Brittany broke the kiss her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"Sorry Ash just have a bit of exciting news"
Your not really that sorry I snorted because I used to say the same thing when Emery and I would get heated and someone would catch us.
"True I'm not"
"Max how's Tally"
Hm oh good she's good he mumbled.The girls were almost all set in a row with their heats.Each two weeks apart.Brittany starts the cycle and Tally now ends the cycle.I caught Derek's hand rest on Brittany's stomach.I looked up to see Emery at the top of the steps.
Hey baby I murmured kissing her temple.
I don't feel well again she whimpered softly.
Hm baby did you get sick again I whispered tucking her into my chest.She only nodded and I kissed her temple softly.
"Why don't we pay a visit to the pack doctor tomorrow"
"Okay"Tally bolted into the house and Max stood his body taking his protective stance.
I told you not to leave the house he mumbled rubbing her arm.
I got lonely she mumbled and Emery watched the two intently.
"Hm are you alright"
"Considering my heat is starting then yes"
"Let's get going"Max nodded to us and I returned it.
"Are you hungry baby"
"Food is the last thing on my mind"
"Hm what's first on the list"
"I'm sure you can guess"
"I know what's first on my list"Derek faked getting sick and Emery leaned over the island and puked into the sink.
Emery fuck Derek mumbled.I held back her hair and she rinsed out her mouth.
"Come on we are going to see the pack doctor now"
"I don't want to go please Ashy"
"No we are going let's go"I huffed and followed him into the pack doctor's office.
"Alpha Luna what seems to be the problem"
"Emery can't stop getting sick"
"Can't have that can we"
"No we can't"
"I'll get her chart.Go ahead in exam room 1 please"
"Okay"I sat on the exam table and fiddled with my ring.
"Baby relax everything is okay"She frowned and I ran my hand up her arm.
"Okay so when was your last period Luna"
"Two months ago"
"Have you taken a pregnancy test"
"I did"
"Was the result negative or positive"
Negative Emery whispered sadly.
"Sometimes the home tests can be false or the brand could of given you a false negative.Is it possible for you to be able to take another one"
"Yes it's possible"She handed Emery the test and she left the room.
"Very high chance this could be the start of morning sickness alpha don't worry"
"Thank you.How long do these tests take"
"The results are almost instant"Emery came back in and I looked up at her the box crushed in her tight hold.
Baby release it I growled softly as she tried to hide it from the doctor.She whimpered but gave up the box.
"Alright Luna just a couple minutes"
"Okay"I pulled Emery onto my lap and she played with the collar of shirt.I rubbed up her back as she stayed silent.
"Would you like some alone time Alpha you can check the test by yourself"
"Please"She nodded and walked out of the room.
"Do you want to check it baby"
"No Ashy I'm scared"
"Do you want me to do it then"
Yes she whimpered.
"Hey baby your okay nothing will ever change my feelings for you ever okay"
"Yes Ashy"I pulled the test out and seen the small little screen read one word and it was eight letters.
Pregnant I whispered.
Pregnant she whisper her eyes widening.
We are gonna have a baby.We are going to be parents baby can you believe it I shouted swinging her around the exam room.She giggled and kissed me.
"I love you"
"I love you too baby so much..you just made me so happy"
Parents Asher whispered happily his hand touching my stomach softly.

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