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Asher's POV
"Baby what are you doing here"
Your mom said we need to pick out the paint color..oh I'm interrupting I'm sorry I murmured.
"It's okay Luna"She smiled greatfully at Derek and Max.
"You guys can go thanks for the recap"
"No problem"I sat at my desk and Emery waited til they closed the door and climbed on my lap.
"Okay baby what colors do you like"
"Uh I like the blues the best I think but I wanted to know what you liked"
"Hm well do you want to redo our whole room or keep the same furniture and stuff"I swiveled my chair side to side and she leaned back into my chest.
I like the furniture in there she mumbled playing with her lower lip.I released her lip and she looked down at her fingers I realized she only played with her bottom lip when she was feeling nervous.
Hey baby no need to be nervous it's just me and you I whispered and she nodded slowly.
"What if we go neutral and then you can go crazy in our closet"
"Really baby.Paint it whatever color you like"
"Okay um I like this one and this one"
"I like that Mocha one"
"It'd be pretty I think"
"Yeah baby is that the one you want"
Yeah is that okay with you she mumbled setting the binder on my desk carefully.
"Sounds great baby.What color are you thinking for the closet?"
"I'm not sure yet because unless they paint the shelves you aren't gonna see anything"
"That's true baby.We can also paint the bathroom if you want"
"I like that color"
"Okay baby then it can stay the same I don't really care what color it is as long as your happy"
"I'm very happy Ashy"
"Well I'm glad your happy baby"I admired her as her cheeks blushed.
"How are your treaty arrangements going with my brother"
"Good baby we are just renewing them so we will just resign the treaty I have drawn up and maybe have a small party to celebrate.
"How many allies do we have"
"Lane will be 50"
"Whoa that's a lot"
"Yes and you will eventually meet them"
"All of them"
"Eventually after we announce your title and web fully mate we will have a celebration"
"Just remember none of that happens til your ready"
"I think I'm ready for the Luna duties"
"That's great baby"
"Will you help me"
"Of course baby and I'll always help you if your having trouble"
Thank you she whispered her lips grazing mine softly.I hummed softly and she smiled softly against my lips.
Tease I growled and she giggled.
"I'd never tease you Ashy"
"Then give me a kiss"She pressed her lips to mine and I moved our lips in sync.She gasped when I slid my tongue inside her mouth.She responded with a low moan and I pulled away and she was panting.Sparks attacked my hands as they rested on her hips.
Please don't stop she whimpered and I smirked softly at her.
"Sorry baby but I have a meeting coming up"
"Can I stay"
"Of course you can baby if you want to"
"I do I get lonely when your in here"
"I know baby"She stood and smoothed her skirt.
"You look beautiful baby"
"Thank you"She shifted off one foot to the other and I let my eyes wander to her.She had on a white skirt that hugged her curves and had a red long sleeve shirt tucked into the skirt band.She had some heels on to making her stand a couple inches taller.Her hair was in naturally curly state and she wore some makeup but not a ton.
"Ashy what's wrong"
"Hm baby"
"Why are you staring at me"
"Oh sorry baby I couldn't help it your so beautiful I was just admiring the view"She blushed and I stood taking her hand.
"Come along now we have visitors to greet"
"Wait I'm not announced"
"You will be soon enough please come with me"
"Okay Ashy as long as no one gets upset"
"They won't baby I promise"She held my hand tightly and I squeezed her fingers softly.
"Your going to do great baby"
"Thank you"Pride swelled in my chest as she greeted our guests after I introduced us.
'Mate is so perfect'
'Yes she is'We sat in our small conference room and a couple of my men joined us.Emery smiled politely at them and I growled through my link with them.
'Greet her'
'Yes Alpha'
"Hello Luna"
"Emery is okay really"I smirked and she placed her hand over mine.
Emery's POV
I watched Asher discuss the treaty details and I frowned when Alpha Damion glanced at me and rolled his eyes.Asher looked up his wolf obviously picking up that I was not okay.
Excuse me I whispered walking out of the room.Asher's brows were furrowed and I could feel him following me.
"What's wrong"
"He kept looking at me funny"
How funny we talking Asher growled his eyes darkening.
I think he thought it was weird I was sitting in..without a mark for either of us plus it's not announced yet that you found your mate I whispered.He growled and I took his hand.
"I'm gonna wait in your room and you finish your meeting"
"Baby it's really not a big deal don't let him bother you"
"No it's okay..I think I'm tired anyways"He nodded and shut his office door quietly.I crawled on Asher's bed and frowned softly.My phone beeped and I picked it up.I smiled at pictures of Hannah and Lane being goofy.
'We miss you Emmy'
'I miss you guys too'
'Come help me dress shop tomorrow for announcing my new title?'
'Maybe I'll have to see if I can go'
'Lane is coming so we will have protection'
'Is something wrong'
'No im okay'
'We will talk about it tomorrow'
Ashy I giggled and he knocked me backwards.He pressed kisses all over my face and down my collarbone.He growled playfully when I shrieked as he tickled me.
Ashy I giggled trying to squirm away.
"Oh no baby your not going anywhere"My heart raced with excitement as he kissed down my neck.
Do you want to have matching spots he murmured and I nodded eagerly.
"Hm where do you want ours to be"I ran my fingers over his shoulder and he raised his brow.
"On your shoulder"
"Left or right"
Left..now please I whispered.
"Are you sure baby"
"200% sure I want this Ashy"
"It's going to hurt"
"I know Ashy I'll be okay though I promise"
"Do you want to go first"
"Sure"I helped his remove his shirt and he helped me up and I straddled him.My canines grew and I whimpered not wanting to hurt him.
I'll be okay baby he murmured and I kissed him.
"I love you"
"I love you more"My lips kissed and sucked softly on the spot I chose and Asher growled impatiently I knew his wolf was anxious to get my mark on me.
Mate Luna purred and my canines sunk in.
Fuck Asher grunted his hands grasping at my shirt sliding it up slowly.When I finished I watched the mark slowly start to change.
Ready baby he whispered and I nodded as he pulled my shirt over my head.
Oh fuck me he growled and I looked down to see he was getting hard.I brushed my knee against it and he stiffened.
"Your sure your ready baby"
"I'm sure"I gasped loudly and felt our bond setting in and our mind link embedding in my brain.
Ashy I whispered and he slowly pulled away.
God damnit I want you so bad he growled.
Ashy I'm not ready for sex I whispered.
"I know baby it's just the bond settling in we are both going to be hormones blazing for a couple days and then you'll get your heat probably sometime next week"
"So I'll be like Brittany"
"Not exactly baby"Brittany and Derek have barley left their room all weekend.
"What do you mean"
"I don't know if my wolf will be able to contain himself
"What does that mean"
"If we aren't ready to fully mate your scent will entice me Emery and I don't know if my wolf would make sure we had the okay from you"
"He'd hurt me"
"No oh baby no of course not..I'd never ever let anything happen to you"
"Then what are we going to do"
"I think I'm going to have to be locked up because it will be the only way I can be contained if I lose control"
"Do you think you really won't be able to control Ryker"
"I'm not sure yet baby but your scent right now is what keeps him calm"
"Your scent keeps me calm too"
"I know baby Luna and Ryker already are attached"
"Yes they are"
"Thank you Jane"
"Your welcome Alpha and Luna"
"So Ashy I have a question"
"Of course baby anything"
"Do you think I can go to the city to help Hannah pick out her crowning ceremony dress"
"Who's going with you besides Hannah"
"Lane and that's it I think"
"Take a guard and you can go"
"Did you want me to say no"
"No of course not just thought you'd put up a little more of a fight"
"That will come when I am picking your guard"
"Can I take Max"
"We will see"
"Or Derek"
"Possibly baby"We both finished dinner and I beat Jane to clean up from us.
"Luna you really don't have to"
"It's okay Jane really"
"Well thank you"
"Your welcome and thank you for dinner it was lovely"
"Thank you Luna"
Ashy I whispered as he watched me closely.
"Hm baby"
"I love our marks"
"Me too baby they are perfect"The marks were a stunning rose that laid perfectly on our shoulders.My park for the pack also formed which was a wolf on a stone.Mine and Asher's were in the same spot both on our right wrists.
"You know you and I are still suppose to go shopping for clothes for you baby"
"We don't have too"
"Hm that we don't but we will be"I rolled my eyes playfully and his hands ran up my satin nightgown.He swallowed the groan he was holding in as I tucked myself into him.
I defiantly think we will need more of these he growled nipping at fingers softly as they traced over his full lips.
"These ones are my favorite because they are so comfy"
"My favorite too so far"
Ashy get your mind out of the gutter I giggled and he squeezed my panty covered bum.
"Can't help it baby your to tempting"
Get some sleep I whispered.
"Goodnight baby"
"Goodnight Ashy I love you"
"I love you more baby"

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