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Emery's POV
"Good morning Ashy"
"Hm good morning baby.How are you feeling"
"A little nauseous but I'm okay"
"Breakfast Luna"
"Not yet Jane thank you though"
"Your welcome and congratulations"
"Thank you"
"Ashy we agreed to wait"
"Oh honey he didn't tell me"
"Then who did..not that I mind if you know Jane but Asher and I only know now"
"Your scent has changed Emery it's more noticeable now"Asher stiffened and I placed my hand on his shoulder.
That puts you at higher risk for being in danger he growled pulling me onto his lap.
Hey Ashy I'm safe I whispered nuzzling into his arms.He growled softly holding me close.
Ashy calm down nothing is going to happen I promise we are safe I whispered.
I'll do everything to protect you everything he mumbled squeezing me gently.
Oh Ashy I know that I murmured kissing his cheek.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Come on baby we have training to lead"
"Hm okay"I walked upstairs and changed into some adidas leggings and a sports bra with a track jacket.I walked out to see Asher in the circle.I smiled softly as he called out warriors names for boarder checks.
'Damion and Derek your up'I watched the brothers step into the circle.Brittany stood at my side and Asher stood behind us.I felt his hand rub small circles on my stomach and I looked up smiling at him.
Hm he murmured as Derek pinned his brother.He kissed Brittany as Asher scanned the group.
'Tally and Jamie'Brittany and I each shot her a thumbs up while Max paced.
'Max come over here'He looked over to me and rushed over.I held onto his hand and he squeezed my fingers.Jamie was skilled in fighting and tracking.She could get inside your head and make you doubt every move.Jamie pinned her and Max growled.
Enough Ash please he whispered.
Jamie enough I growled and she pulled off Tally nodding at me.Max rushed over to her and she growled at him.
"I could of got her"
"No.Be quiet"She stood across from us and Brittany frowned slightly.
'What's wrong with Tally'
'I don't know but maybe we need to find out'Max sighed and kissed her temple.
Dinner was silent between the six of us.Brittanyms finger running over the lip of her glass.I looked over to Asher to see him inhaling his dinner.I smiled and he looked up at me.
'What's wrong'
'Do you think something is going on with Tally and Max'
'Highly doubtful why do you ask'
'Today in the circle she got so angry'
'Hm wouldn't you get mad if someone didn't think you could win a training match'
'I-I didn't think of it like that'
'So you understand why she's upset then correct'
'Yes ashy'
'Good why don't you try to eat some of your food now'I nodded and he smiled as I ate.I grasped Asher's hand from under the table.He squeezed my fingers and I smiled softly.Jane cleaned up from dinner and I went to mine and Asher's room.I stripped down as I started our shower water.I rubbed my eyes and climbed in letting the hot water hit my skin.I could smell Asher's presence getting closer but ignored it.I opened my eyes to see Asher in some sweats that hung low on his hips.
"Yes baby"
"Will you grab me a towel please"He only nodded in response and I took it from him drying off my body and he groaned softly his sweats starting to tent.I wrapped my hair up and slipped on my short robe.Asher climbed in our bed and I noticed it was covered in paperwork.Great just what I wanted to do tonight.I slipped off my robe and slid into some panties and Asher's shirt.
"What are we going over tonight"
"Patrol reports"
"Wow nail biting stuff"He chuckled and kissed my temple.
You can go to bed I can work on this by myself"
"I can help Ashy tell me how it needs to be done"
"Okay baby thank you..um first you need to go over the report and make sure all the boarder checks are good"
Okay I whispered and my eyes zeroed in on his biceps that were flexing and I was drooling almost.
Take him off guard Luna purred and I pounced in him locking our lips together.He grunted but kissed me back.I pushed his down with a little force and he panted beneath me his eyes dark with lust and love.
I knew you weren't listening he growled and I growled back.
Your to sexy not to have eyes on you I breathed softly as his mouth peppered kissed down my collar bone.
"Hm well baby I'm only looking good for you"
"Take me Ashy please"
"You sure"
"Yes Ashy I'm positive"
"Do you want a hard fuck or can I make love to my beautiful wife"
"Anything Ashy please"He smiled softly at me before pulling his shirt over my head and I helped him with his sweats and lifted my hips so he could pull my panties off.
"Ready baby"
I'm very ready I purred and Asher growled softly his tip parting my folds.I moaned softly as he kissed me and slowly thrusted.
Fuck baby so tight he grunted and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he picked a steady tempo.
You okay baby he whispered.
Yes I panted.He growled lowly as I felt myself tighten up a sign of my need to finish is approaching.I squealed when Asher flipped me over onto all fours.I moaned into our pillows as I released around him the second he hit my g spot.
Fuck baby he groaned as my orgasm set his off.
"Was that to rough at the end"
"No I'm okay..thank you"
"Baby you don't have to thank me"
"Sometimes I feel like I should I mean you are pretty busy with pack stuff"
"I'll always make time for you okay no matter what"
"I know you will Ashy I love you"
"I love you too baby"He cleaned us up and took a shower.
Asher's POV
When I got out of the shower I seen Emery was already asleep on top of our comforter.I picked up the patrol reports and stacked them on my nightstand.I lifted her slowly and tucked her under the blankets covering her back up carefully.
Goodnight baby I murmured kissing her forehead gently.Reports didn't ever take long so I started looking them over and heard a knock at our bedroom door.
"Ash it's Max"I opened the door to see Max his eyes bloodshot and red.
"What happened"
"I can't find Tally anywhere"
"What do you mean you can't find her"
"I haven't seen her since earlier Ash and I can't pick up her scent"
"Let's get a patrol out"He nodded and we walked downstairs.I led one and Max led another.
How could she just disappear Max whispered.
"I don't know man I really don't"
"Ashy what are you doing up"I smiled softly at Emery.
"Max and I were just talking"
"Come back to bed please"
"I'll be up in a bit okay"
Okay she whispered coming down the steps standing in front of me.
"What's wrong"
"Can I have a kiss"
"Of course you can baby"I kissed her softly and she wrapped her arms around my neck.I held her waist tightly and she moaned softly against my lips.I pulled away slowly and she smiled.
"I love you"
"I love you too baby I'll be up in a minute"She modded and walked upstairs.
"We'll find her Max try to get some sleep"
"Highly doubtful but I'll try..thanks for helping"
"You'd do the same for me"
"Of course I would Emery is family"I nodded and squeezed his shoulder.I walked upstairs to see Emery with her eyes closed but she had tears running down her cheeks.
"Baby what's wrong..baby Emery answer me"
Gone she choked out and I frowned.
"Baby what are you talking about"
"What about Tally"
Asher don't play dumb you know what I'm talking about she whimpered and I pulled her into my arms rubbing her back.
"Sh baby we will find her I promise"
"Are you sure"
Sadly baby I'm not but we need to stay positive for Max and be strong he whispered.
What about Brittany and Derek she sniffed.
"Derek was helping us search he's telling Brittany tomorrow morning"
"Were you going to tell me"
"Of course baby I wouldn't keep anything from you"
"Can I help"
"Yes of course baby tomorrow we will do some more searches"

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