Chapter 1

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Beacon. The school for huntsman and huntresses. My left wrist shook violently as I remembered what brought me here.

As of now, I was on a large airship heading to Beacon. Two girls were being extra loud, especially when some blond guy puked on their shoes. My right hand absent mindedly went to the scar on my wrist where my hand was, rubbing the scars there. I had always wondered why I was spared. I'm not even that special of a person, no one cares about me, so why am I here?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I felt the airship dock and the doors open. I started forward towards the door, witnessing vomit boy empty his stomach into a trash can.

I could feel the stares on me as I limped along, especially with this severed hand I got. It was just an ugly, scarred, severed hand. I was also an odd person with my different colored eyes, not something you see every day.

I've been lost in my thoughts for a bit, seeing as I was in a courtyard all alone. An explosion sounded to my left, drawing my attention. It looked like some girl was being yelled at ... Weiss Schnee. That bitch. I walked over to them just as a girl dressed in black with matching hair color tossed a dust vial at the bitch. The girl in black walked off, the bitch doing the same.

This left the poor girl who flopped on the ground. She had black hair with red tints, and wore a black combat skirt with a black shirt. Her red hood flopped in the wind. She had ... silver eyes. I haven't seen eyes like those in a long time. I sighed and walked over to her, offering my hand. She smiled and took it, hoisting herself up.

"Hi! I'm Ruby. That was ... uh. I don't know what that was. Anyways, what's your name?" She seemed energetic, and she almost ignored the fact she just exploded.

"Y/N." That was all I said. She nodded and looked down to my scarred wrist, then to my burn scar on my face.

"Cool. Well, do you know where to go?" She smiled again. She was ... cute.


--Time Skip--

We were walking aimlessly, hoping to find the auditorium. Usually I would ditch someone and go at it alone, but for some reason my gut told me not to. She was walking with her hands behind her back, looking down at her feet.

"So ... I got this thing." I looked at her as she spoke. She pulled a red device from her back and clicked a button, turning it into a scythe. It also looked like it had a firearm function.

"Sniper scythe. Interesting." She smiled again.

"Thanks. Not many people know it has a gun function. So, what are your weapons?" She asked very excitedly. I grabbed my Deagle from my holster and held it out for her to look. She eagerly grabbed it and started looking it over.

"Ahhhh it's so cool! Fifty caliber, ambidextrous function, muzzle brake, and a full metal slide. I love it!" She handed it back and I stuck back in its holster on my hip.

"So, uh, you don't talk much do you?"

"No. I prefer not to." She nodded slightly.

"What, uh, what happened to your hand?" She asked shyly. I raised my left arm, giving her a full view of it.

"I prefer not to talk about it."

"Ooook." She returned her gaze to the ground. My thoughts went back to my past, the White Fang, the Shnee's, my family, everything. Why did a Schnee have to be here? All they had to do was go to Atlas, where the bitches go. I will never forget the moment that made me hate them forever.


I was a mile underground, operating the elevator for the new recruits. The Schnee Dust Company hired a lot of people to work in the mines, especially young people and Faunus. They had hired me because I was only thirteen, they didn't have to pay me much, but I still got Lien at the end of the day. I pulled a lever back on the elevator controls, only for it not to move. I frantically pulled on it, to no avail.

"RUN!" I yelled. Me and the others took off away from the eventual impact. The elevator wouldn't stop, making it practically fly all the way down. The impact of the elevator shook the ground, making the top cave in in some places.

We had no way out.

--Flashback end--

Me and Ruby eventually made it to the large auditorium, a stage at the front. Ruby ran off to her sister, waving when she left. I was alone again.

--Time Skip because you all know what Ozzie says--

Ruby POV

Blake was nice. I liked talking to her, when she did talk. I looked across the room, looking for Y/N. I finally saw him, lying on the ground with his normal clothes and no blanket.

"Whatcha looking at sis?" Yang practically flopped down next to me.


"Yeah right. Ooh, you looking at him right there?" Yang pointed directly at Y/N.


"What kind of answer is that? Have you met him?" Yang questioned me

"Yeah, he helped me earlier when Weiss yelled at me." I admitted.

"Plus one friend! Let's go talk to him!"


She was already dragging me over to Y/N, who had took notice and raised his eyebrow.

"Hello!" Yang practically yelled.

"What?" He asked. His eyes looked ... blank.

"Well, I'm Ruby's big sister, and I heard you were nice to her!"


"Sheesh, does he talk much?" Yang whispered in my ear.

"No. Also, he won't talk about his hand."

"His hand?" Yang looked down at his left hand.


"I need to sleep." Y/N stated, matter of factly.

"Ok then. Well, nice meeting you!" Yang waved and walked off. I waved at him and he nodded his head.

He seems nice, but he doesn't talk much. I walked back to my sleeping bag and went to sleep.

A/N: Well, that concludes the first chapter. Hoped you liked it. Goodbye everyone!

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