Today is initiation. Currently, I was in the locker room gathering my things. I strapped on my armor for my left arm, made sure my kneepads were strapped on, and holstered my pistol and sheathed my machete. I took a deep breath and made my way out to the cliff, witnessing vomit boy get stuck to the lockers on a spear.
I should be able to complete the initiation easily. Most of the other students are fresh from a combat school, while people like me have seen real battle before. One of the few things I looked forward to was slaying the Grimm in the initiation. There was no doubt that would be part of the mission.
--Time Skip--
The launch pad beneath me sprung to life, sending me flying through the air at inhuman speeds. I readied my machete, preparing it to land on a tree and use the blade to cut into the bark and slide my way down.
The air pushed against my face, making me want to close my eyes, but I couldn't or I would die from the impact. The trees became closer by the second, my grip on my machete tightening.
The impact came. I was jolted as my machete cut into the branch of a tree, effectively spinning me around, allowing me to land on my feet. I exhaled slowly and sheathed my machete, then proceeded to ready my Deagle. It was an effective gun, firing heavy rounds with a black finish on the outside of the weapon. I started to limp off in the direction of the temple.
--Time Skip because I'm lazy af--
After enjoying the death of the weak Grimm who had faced me, I eventually came upon the temple, seeing small pedestals with chess pieces on them. Interesting. I walked over, and picked up a black pawn piece. I scanned the piece in my hand and turned to face the front of the temple, making eye contact with a boy around my age. He had silver hair with two different colored eyes. Just like me. His right eye was silver and his left was gold. He had a sword on his back and was wearing a red jacket over a t-shirt with a design if a dragon on it, paired with black shorts.
"Uh, hi. My name's Saber, Saber Rose. Guess we're partners now." He spoke first. He woke up to me and offered his hand out to me. I didn't accept it.
"Y/N. Apparently we are."
"So, we should probably get going. I mean, there's a Nevermore coming out way and I saw some girl being chased by a huge Deathstalker."
"Okay. Let move out." I saw him transform his sword into a scythe and followed closely behind me.
We walked for a while, battling Grimm along the way. I executed them with my pistol, while Saber got close and killed them with his scythe. I had never enjoyed something more in my life, seeing my enemies fall beneath me.
"How we gonna get up the cliff?" Saber pointed up to the large cliff before us.
"I don't know." I responded.
--Time Skip--
We stood back in the auditorium where we first started, the team's coming and going from the stage.
"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. Together you will be known as Team RWBY. Led by, Ruby Rose." Ozpin announced.
"WOOHOO! WAY TO GO SIS!" Saber yelled. Apparently he was their brother. Team RWBY walked down and we walked up. Two others, both female, walked beside us, not having met us before. We walked into the stage and was greeted by Ozpin.
"Y/N L/N, Saber Rose, Teal Solstice, and Sapphire Solstice. Together you will be known as Team SSTR." (It worked with my name I usually use) "Led by. Y/N L/N."
I was slightly surprised I am the team leader. We walked off the stage and was directed toward our dorms, as we were the last team to be announced.
Teal had long black hair down to her waist, and she had Teal colored eyes. Her clothes consisted of a blue combat skirt and matching shirt with short sleeves. Her weapon seemed to be dual revolvers with blades on them.
Sapphire, Teal's sister, had bright blue eyes and short black hair down to her shoulders. Both of the sisters had dark skin, as they are twins. Sapphire's weapon was a medium sized assault rifle with a chainsaw blade under the barrel. Interesting. When we had gotten settled in our room, Teal and Sapphire wouldn't stop talking.
"Sooooo, I'm Teal, and this is my sister, Sapphire." Teal stated.
"I'm Saber. Nice meeting you." Saber smiled and shook their hands.
"What's your name?" Sapphire asked me. Her eyes wandered down to my scarred wrist.
"Y/N." I answered.
"Okay then." Teal said. They didn't need to know my name or my past.
"Well! Let's get to decorating!" Sapphire said excitedly.
The next few hours were spent by Saber running around with Teal and Sapphire, redecorating the room as they put it.
"We should make bunk beds! My sister's did!" Saber announced. Teal and Sapphire immediately got to work, putting my bed beneath Saber's and Teal's bed above Sapphire's. I had no part or interest in this, so I walked out of the room and into the hallway. I was just about to turn the corner when Weiss Schnee the Bitch herself walked around. She caught my eyes and raised her eyebrows at me.
"Who are you?" She asked. Her snooty voice was what I hated he most about her. I didn't answer. Because if that, she walked up and looked into my eyes.
"I don't know what your problem is, but get out of my way before I make you." She glared at me.
"Barvechos mine. 341 miners dead." That was all I said before shoving her out of my way and moving on.

The Broken Man: RWBY Ruby X Male Reader
FanfictionThis is a story about a scarred and broken teenager making his way to Beacon. What will happen next?