Admin: Heeey everyone! It's dare time!!!
Chrom: When did we sign up for this?
Admin: Shhh. Don't question it. I'm a master tactician.
Chrom: ...
Admin: Okay! So, our first dare comes in from @Enraged_Fangirl.
I dare Gaius and Panne to act like husband and wife for one episode thingy!
Gaius: Do we have to?
Admin: Yes. And I'll give you candy later if you d--
Gaius: DONE.
Panne: Manspawn are so strange...
Gaius: Hey, my honeycake! *kisses Panne on cheek*
Panne: *in head: Urk...* Welcome back to camp, my...carrot cake...
Gaius: *sits at table* What a day, huh, love? The thought that we're together was the only thing that really pulled me through. *kisses Panne's ring finger* Well... And candy.
Panne: Well, at least we're together forever now... Taguel mate for life.
Gaius: G-good to know...
Admin: So, how's my favorite couple doing? *evil grin*
Gaius: Married bliss, Bubbles!
Panne: *sits next to Gaius holding hands* I never thought I could be so happy alongside a man spawn...
Gaius: Aww, honey...
Panne: ... Especially one with such a repulsive stench like he bathed in sugar surrounding him.
Gaius: *in head: Urk! How'd she know?!?*
Admin: Uh... How about we end this before it gets mess--
Panne: Done. *gets up and leaves* I expect carrot stew tonight.
Admin and Gaius: ...
Admin: Well, that...escalated quickly? Thanks for asking, anyway.
Gaius: Okay, I want my candy now.
Admin: Shh! I was talking! Here! *gives candy*
Gaius: Sweet. *leaves*
Admin: Okay! Keep asking and daring! Remember, all of Ylisse's army--and even some others if you want--are ready to answer!
Chrom: Reall-
Admin: Yes. Thanks!