Chapter 2: The misunderstanding

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I was happily married with Mark, even though it wasn't easy he was constantly on trips for his business but he managed to always text me or call me. I didn't want to be clingy even though sometimes I could use some of his love. I often felt lonely in the big house where we lived but never complained because I knew how important success wasfor Mark. He was from a middle class family and always dreamed big.The fact that his construction business, the Unbreakable boomed soquickly was the prove of how much ambitious he was. But sometimes I just wished we go back in time and have just a cup of coffee peacefully at the Starbucks like we used to. My college time was not the easiest both of us struggled but each other presences and love made it easier. However, now I missed that love so much, those time we spent together were priceless. Mark has changed he had become more responsible and very businessly. Even when he speaks to me he talks like I was one of his employee. I had to constantly remind him that I am the boss at home. He always gives me a long kiss and says he loves me all bossy.

Life was good until that night which changed everything. I was onphone with Mark as he was in Dubai for business. We talked about ourday and stuff and said goodbye. I wore his shirt to bed as I oftendid when he was out. I got in bed and slept. The next morning I wasawaken by the ringing of my phone. It was Mark, which was weird.


Open the door sleepy head"

what? I all but ran to the door and opened it to find Mark, he wassuppose to come two days later. I jumped in his arms and kissed me.Let's just say our reunion ended up in bed. After a while we decidedto eat breakfast and we switch on the TV to watch the news.

"The second main shareholder of the Unbreakable constructioncompany, Daniel Books just uploaded a hour ago, a few pictures onhis Intragram showing himself in bed with Mark Hudson's wife.Everyone wants to know what's behind these pictures even though it'sclear that Lila Hudson is cheating on her husband. Are we back tohigh school? Was Mark not enough, to know more stay with us....

This one fake news changed my whole life. For a second we both werelike paralyzed. I couldn't speak or think the channel continued toshow the so-called pictures. It was I with Daniel in our bed. But Icouldn't be. It's impossible I am not a cheating bitch I am not. Iheard a glass shattering and when I turned to the sound I saw Markwho had thrown everything on the table on the floor. I ran to him andpleaded him to believe me that I didn't cheat on him I would havenever done that to him. I love him and only him but I don't knowwhere these pictures were coming from. But he didn't believe me. Wefought I cried pleaded but he didn't listen to the point that heslapped me. I think that was the point where I stopped I was shellshocked. I don't what hurt the most that he didn't believe me or thathe throw me out.

When I was out of my house, a lot of journalists were waiting out,they asked me a whole questions and took pictures. I was so upset andtheir questions just irritated me more.

Mrs. Hudson are you going to marry Daniel Books know?

Why did you do it? Isn't Mark enough wealthy for you?

Are you going to Daniel's house now?

Will you guys be living your lovestory openly now?

I got to my car and drove away, I kept on driving and finally decidedto go to my Celia's house, my bestfriend. She opened the door andhugged me tight and I cried and cried. I let all my emotions out. Icried myself to sleep I was emotionally and physically exhausted andhumiliated. I felt as if I was naked.

The next day, Celia and were having breakfast, more like she waspleading me to eat and I just kept on staring at the food without anyappetite. I called in sick today, I wasn't in condition to go andlecture when my mind was somewhere else and specially I knew that allmy students will be curious and will ask me directly or indirectlyabout that scandal. I wasn't ready to face anyone even though Ididn't do anything I couldn't face anyone. I felt ashamed for anunknown reason.

The doorbell rang and Celia went to open it, I could hear voices butcouldn't make out what they were saying and truth to be told I wasn'tpaying enough attention either. My mind was stuck to yesterday'sevents.

Celia came back with an envelop in her hands and gave it to mewithout meeting my eyes. I took it and opened it. There stood proudlythe prove of the end of my married life. He has sent me divorcepapers. I just stared at them I didn't know what to do. I decided tocall Mark with Celia's phone. But he didn't pick, I had left my phoneat our house yesterday. I texted him pleading him to believe me thatI didn't do it. But he didn't believe me he sent me just one textmessage which had me shaken to the core.

"I asked looked at the CCTV camera and Daniel did come yesterdaydirectly in our room through our window. I also had the pictures heuploaded verified and they aren't photoshopped. And do you still wantme to believe? Why Lila why? I thought we loved each other, we havethrough so much but stayed together but this? You broke me I'll neverbe the same again."

This is how my marriage ended. I never asked Daniel why he did whathe did. I never answered this text message. I signed the papers andsent them back with a letter for Mark to read before signing.


I know you think I cheated on you but I didn't I would have neverdone that to you. I have signed the paper though. I really hopeyou'll find happiness as it was meant to be with me. I love you evenif you don't believe me. You'll never see me again. But I hopesomeday you'll believe me that I was faithful to you.


I stopped crying from that day. I asked for a job transfer. The headof the university where I taught was very understanding and believethat I've been framed. I got a direct transfer to Seattle university.I knew that a fresh start would be hard but I needed one. All myfriends and family also sent me messages stating that they know Iwould have never done that. I felt supported by those who knew me butthe newspapers and media were another story. I was shown as the bitchthat broke Daniel and Mark's friendship. I was the slut that deservedthe death penalty...seriously people have to limit. All because wewere from the elite and our lives were openly exposed to the rest ofthe world. I had stopped looking at the comments online. Thank God Iwas mentally strong enough to block all those negative thoughtsbecause I knew I hadn't done anything.

As expected Daniel sold his shares and left. I knew Daniel hates mebut that much. Daniel and Mark were friends in college, they weremore like Harvey and Louis of the Suits' TV show. Daniel alwayswanted to be like Mark but couldn't so he admired him but hated himto. When we started dating Daniel made several attempts to flirt withme but I stopped him everytime. I guess I should have told about thatto Mark but I didn't want to upset Mark. Well seems like he bottledhis hatred and let it all out on me by destroying my couple. I shouldhave known, he always made me feel uneasy. Everytime we met on anevent or anything else. But I thought he was harmless clearly I wasstupid.

I booked a flight to Seattle I had to cover my hair with a scarf andwear glasses in order to hide my identity. I wanted peace andnowadays my face was everywhere with the bitch tag on it.

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