Chapter 8: Deserving

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Mark POV

This doctor is weird, I mean he had a cartoons on his lap coat. Since when they let doctor parade around like  that? Is he into those Japanesee cartoons? God I heard some of my employees talking about them. Death Note? I think. Well doesn't matter I am here for Lila, even though she doesn't look happy to see me. I tried to talk to her but she simple answered emotionlessly I guess I deserved it. I wanted to see that Marcus to see what he had that I didn't. Why does he deserve her not I? But as always my luck is bad and he isn't here.

They took a sample of my blood to see if was compatible and asked me to wait for the results. I went out and joined Lila back to the waiting room. She was on phone and I eveadropped just a little...

"yes he has to take the bleu bottle first"

"please make him he can difficult sometimes when it comes to his medecine"

"Thank you so much you're a life savior and I know since I've arrived I've burdened you a lot"

"Sure I'll bring your favorite cake as thanks, bye"

When she turned around she bumped into me of course I have to be an idiot and stand that close to her. Great now she knows I heard some parts of her conversation.

" You can go I know you're very busy thank you for taking some time to help me, I'll let you know if you're a match or not".

Was that me or she is all cold ? Okay I was dick to her yesterday but she did come to me for her lover like hello? I am her husband!!!!

"No I stay for the result myself"

"yeah I forgot you dont' trust me"

"Ever wondered why?"

"How would I know because clearly I'm stupid"

"you're beyond stupid I wonder what Marcus saw in you"

"Ever wondered what you saw in me"

"you were different back then"

"you mean  before or after I cheated on you ? Because that's all I am to you a fucking cheating slut"

"Mind your language"

"Mind your fucking business"

"I am the one who should be yelling, you fucking come to me you're husband to ask help for your lover"

"You're not my husband!"

"Flashnews sweetheart I am, I never signed those divorse papers so yes legally I am still your husband"

She stared at me shocked, her eyes were the size of saucers.

"why?" it was almost a whisper.

"I just didn't. I forgot and this is not the point. You can't put the whole blame on me try my shoes for once. You left silently like a thief in night. Now you come back to ask me to help your lover like what else did you expect?"

We were staring at each other, she had tears in her eyes, great just great why does she always end up crying with me. Like seriously ! I am trying here. Our staring contest ended with the arrival of Dr. Johnson.

"The reports are positive you are a perfect match for Marcus"

Waouh a perfect match like blood relative that's unusual and weird.

"When can the operation take place? Is there any danger for Mark?"

So Lila still cares. It warmed my heart.

"Ah no, there aren't any major, but of course as it's an operation there is a risk and he has to sign papers and name someone we can call in case of an emergency."

"and for the operation?" I asked

"Next Monday? We still have to go through some tests to make sure everything is fine and Lila you can bring Marcus sunday night he'll stay here the night before the operation as for you Mr. Hudson Monday around 9 should be alright just make sure you don't eat or drink after midnight"

"Very well, thank you doctor"

Once he had left. We stood there almost paralyzed. I wanted to stay here with her. I wanted to spend time with her but the mention of Marcus had by blood boiled. I was angery and hurt but last night I have come to the conclusion that I have to let Lila go. She is happy with Marcus and I have to let her be happy. We were not meant to be together. But I still love her and desire her.

"Thank you for doing this" she said not looking at me

"I am doing this for you and I want you to know that"

She finally looked at me, and it looked like she was conflicted. Talk to me Lila, tell me. Damn it.

"I see you on monday, thank you again"

Time flew by, and it was already sunday. I had made arragements as the doctor said it wil take me at least two weeks before being able to work again. Everything was set I had a few tests to make sure there were any problem. I guess it's my way to have a closure, by helping Marcus I am letting Lila go. But somehow I wasn't at peace with this idea. I craved for Lila. I had pictures of us that I won't stop looking at. She has brought back so many beautiful memories.

Beep Beep

Can I come over?  it was a text from Lila. We are sunday evening and she wants to see me.

Yes sure, is everything ok? I still couldn't bring myself to ask about Marcus or to say his name. It was too painful.

I'll be there in 20 minutes. I guess I have to wait and see.

Lila POV

Seeing Mark at the hospital was painful, even though I tried my best to hide my emotions and I think to some extent I successed. But I almost told him about his relation with Marcus when he said he was doing this for me. Why does it hurt ? Why does it still hurt after three years? Why Mark didn't you stand by my side when I needed you? Why were you so mean to me the other day over dinner? Why?

When I admitted Marcus to the hospital on Sunday afternoon, it was yet another test for me. Another painful step. Seeing my babyboy in a hospital bed broke my heart. I know that he will be alright after tomorrow but yet such an innocent soul and he has to go through so much. I wish I could take all his pain away. I have been stressing out about the operation and Mark's constant attempts to talk to me through texts didn't help. But right now I want him no I need him so I put my pride aside and texted him.

When I arrived at his place, I was damn conflicted something that often happens to me since I have come back to New York. He answered the door and I don't know what came over me I kissed him. I guess I was confused and angry and nervous and all those emotions were draining me. To my surprise, Mark responded and quickly we ended up in bed. Well looks like we both needed to let out all the heat. It was natural, it didn't feel like it has been three years since we have been last intimate. Our bodies just moved like one, our kiss, caress felt familiar yet new. God I had missed him so much, all of him, his naughty smile, his arrogant smirk, his eyes that always looked at me with love. All of him. The night was beautiful and being in his arms just made me peaceful as if he will protect from the world.

But as we all know after the night a new sun arises and for me it wasn't a new lovely day but another complicated twist in our lovestory.

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