Chapter 9: If only love was enough

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Mark POV

She is here with me in my arms yet it feels like she isn't mine. I should have pushed her away and yelled at her but she looked so desperate and I guess that was our way to comfort each other. I wish we could stay like this forever, but no we have to get up and leave for the hospital she has to go back to that guy. I was just a consolation price for a night. Damn it! Now I am fucking furious. I got up and went to take a shower to calm myself down but Lila followed me after a few minutes. I knew she wanted a repeat of last night. I wasn't stupid I saw and felt how much she enjoyed our time together. I took her but hard this time I know I was being rough and she was never the rough type. She was more like sweet and slow but I didn't care all I could think of was her with another guy and I saw red. She sensed my mood changing but didn't question me.

After the shower we were dressing up. It was around seven thirty our time together was limited I knew but it didn't stop me from being an asshole to her.

"you're not staying?"

"No I am going to the hospital"

"I guess I wasn't good enough yesterday night so you're running back to him. Should we do it the whole day so you stay with me? Was it that what Daniel gave to you? Wasn't I enough?"

And it was the beginning of the end. She looked at me with the same expression that she had on three years ago. The only difference was she didn't answer. She just took her bag and left tears in her eyes.

Lila POV

It's all my fault, I shouldn't have gone to him. He still thinks I am a bitch I guess my decision to keep Marcus away from him was wise that man is only bad news for both of us. As far as I am concerned after this operation I am never seeing that man again.

When I arrived to the hospital I looked horrible with my red eyes and I was wearing the exact same clothes as yesterday. I looked like a mess but thank God no one made a comment. I guess everyone thought I was upset because a relative was sick but it wasn't the only reason. Mark it's also Mark the reason of my tears.

I made it to Marcus room, he was up as always and drawing. If there is one thing Marcus has got from me is his love for paint and drawing. The kid is seriously amazing. We talked until it was the operation time. Unlike what I was expecting Mark did show up on time for the operation. I was scared that he had changed his mind but thank the lord he didn't.

Mark POV

I made it on time and I was hoping to see Lila before but I didn't. After the operation the doctor kept me for two weeks under heavy drugs to make sure I heal fast and good. I didn't see Lila during this time but everyday I would find a home made snack and other gifts on my bed side table. I knew they were from Lila, she is the only one who knows that Batman is my favorite superhero, I found some comic books of Batman on my side table. The other there was a card game. I wish they don't drug me so heavily at night so I can see when she comes by. I tried to call her and text her but she'll never answer.But I wasn't that lucky and luck seems to never be on my side. As even Dr. Johnson will answer all my questions about Lila very vaguely. My suspicious about my nocture visiter were confirmed when a nurse asked me how was my wife? I was a bit surprised but played along hoping to get something out of her.

"She is fine, I didn't know you guys have met"

"of course, I am often at night shift that why I know her, she does spend her time running between your room and the 3002."

So that's Marcus room number I mentally noted.

"Yes she does" What else can I say and how can I make her talk I want detail on Lila. Thank God she was a talkative.

"Ah your wife is amazing she always brings something for the staff at night. She is an excellent cook you're lucky most of the people nowadays hardly know how to make an omelette. I hope you guys recover quick, she looks exhausted with all those running. By the way she is very pretty"

Guilt arisen in me, she is tired yet cooks for everyone. I knew why she brought something for the staff. It's silly but her grandmother used to do that when her grandfather was sick. According to granny the staff was nicer to her husband out of courtesy thanks to her food. I guess Lila has taken her granny's story seriously.

After two weeks I did learn that Marcus has perfectly healed and headed back to Seattle with Lila. Marcy for some reason was furious at me. She woouldn't say anything when she'd visit but would throw dirty glare at me. I wonder what's going on with her? She seemed sad, distracted and angry but why?

I thought after that operation I'll get my closer that I won't feel anything for Lila that I would close this chapter forever but no I wasn't at peace. All those things I have said to her haunted me, her expression on that morning is still very present in my mind. I can still see her tears slipping down her cheeks, her big green eyes full of sorrow and betrayal looking at me, silently begging me to understand something her lips never said.

I guess I will never know. I guess I have to live like that. I guess I should finally accept that a wonderful woman like Lila will never come back in my life and that this love is over. My heart needs to learn to stop beating for her. It has to learn to stop wanting her physically or emotionaly. It has to learn to build walls around it. That stupid organ is just too stubborn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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