Chapter 4: Emptiness

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Mark's POV

Breath in out in out in out, I was running it's the only exercise Ido everyday around 5 AM. Because I can't sleep I can never sleep evenwhen I'm dead tired I can't sleep for more than a few hours. Shehaunts my dreams even now, she is everywhere no matter how hard I tryhow far I go she is there. I might have money but I had no one toshare it with. Her side of the bed is still empty, no one can takeher place in my life or in my bed. She left because she cheated on meand I caught her red handed but even now a lot of things don't makesense. Why Daniel came through our window while she could open thedoor for him? Why was she so happy to see me in the morning, shewasn't shocked but surprised I could tell by her smile. And on thosedamn pictures it looked she was deeply sleep and I know her sleep,she sleeps like the dead. And her final letter, it kills me to thinkabout it. She signed the divorce papers without questioning further.If all she wanted was money she would have asked for it and not fleelike a thief in night. What is your story Lila I need closure I can'tmove on until I know everything until you confess everything to me. Ineed to hear from you that you indeed cheated on me so I know myhatred is justified. I guess your silent is what killed me the most,you left and no one knows where you are. I had a private investigatoron her but he couldn't find anything.

Damn Lila Hudson you have made me this way. Because of you I am notthe smiling person I once was, because of you I hate the thought ofbeing in a relationship. My shareholders have been advising me tosettle down again to improve my image as a businessman. Because asingle man doesn't seem committed. Well fuck them all, there is noway in hell I am ever letting a woman back in my life.

Once I was done with my jogging I took a shower and then went to eatbreakfast. Mrs. Riper an old widow but who could cook and manage myhouse perfectly was serving me a plate of croissant with apricot jam.She is probably the only woman with whom I smile a little. Shereminds me of my mother who passed away 5 years ago. I remember howdevastated I was and how Lila pushed me into talking about her so Ican let all my sorrow go. If it wasn't for Lila I don't think I wouldhave spoken up during her funerals. Lila has there all this timeholding my hand and just staying without question or conversation.Damn I have to stop thinking about her. Shit.

Breath in out in out it's alright you're okay. You don't need anywoman in your life just focus on your meetings and business. Justwhen I finished my meal my phone rang.


Hello, it's Peter Kent the private investigator I have news on LilaBlake.

I'm listening

She had recently sent an application for a bone marrow. It seems likesomeone in her family has cancer. The reason why I couldn't find herbefore was because she has changed her last name. She is not Lila Hudson but Blake. On the form she filled all the detail are mentioned as if she was divorced since when. Her married name and then maiden name. It has a picture of her attached to it so I recognized her.

When did she change her name?

Three years ago, and she isn't in New York she lives in Seattle even though my source did tell me she is planning to fly to New York soon for treatment.

Are you sure she is not the one with cancer?

100% the form specifically says she is looking for a doner for a family relative and she herself is not a match of it.

Thank you I'll send you your payment

Very well anything else?

Yes I want all the details on her flight and where she will bestaying at. Everything you can get. And especially who in her familyhas cancer.

Yes, Sir, goodbye


Well well well isn't the little Lila coming back home. As her host Ishould welcome her open arms. I wonder who has cancer? I know it'snot her brothers or their wives or kids as we are still in contact.Then who? Who is so important that she put her whole life online toget a doner? I guess I should focus on my meetings and wait after allshe is coming back to New York how long before she shows up.

My phone rang again and it was Marcy. What does my little annoyingsister wants at 8 am?


Hey bro it's Marcy

Thank God you gave me your identification or else I wouldn't haveknown.

Stop it you idiot I know you re rolling your eyes on me. I called youfor something important don't panic or yell but Lila will contactyou.

Is that so? And why? May I ask how do you even know that?

I met her okay? She lives in Seattle now and she has changeddrastically changed I am just giving you heads up. Please I ambegging you hear her out everything she has to say before doinganything."

Okay Marcy begging means something was definitively wrong and it'shuge. Is Lila the one with cancer? If yes why is she coming to mewhat can I do for her? Maybe she needs money. It's probably themoney.

"Okay we'll know when she calls me because she hasn't until now.What's the matter why don't you tell me.

Trust me I want to but I promised her I won't. Please Mark don't dosomething stupid just have a meeting with her.

Very well I will

Thank you bro and good job

What do you mean by "good job"

you'll know soon. Love you lots. Bye


So looks like my little wifey is coming to me. I wonder what does she want? Money? Nah she has never been a gold digger. I still remember this interview when someone dare to call her a gold digger she so calmly put that tramp back to her place. I smiled at the memory.

"If you think I am a gold digger, you obviously have no idea what and where this word comes from. We both worked very hard to be where we are because unlike some people who'll always blame others for their failure, we worked hard and realized our own American Dream. But then again what's the famous like nowadays? Ah yeah Haters gonna hate?" Lila smiled widely after her little speech.

My woman, my pride, my most precious tresor that girl turned my life upside down. Before meeting her I dreamed of big but I wasn't focused, I 'll even say I was confused. But she changed that, by just being herself with me she showed me how to be organized how to stay focus how to fulfill my committments. If it wasn't for her I won't be a rich man now.

We were so good together why Daniel? Why Lila did you do it? Why did you break my heart? Why did you stole my heart, my soul myself from me? Just tell me why!

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