Chapter 5: was I not enough?

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Mark's POV

It has been two weeks since Marcy's call but still no sign of Lila. It was sunday and it was raining out. I couldn't help myself but think while looking at the drops on my window how does she look now? How is she? Where has she been? Has she reconnected with her family ? I know they were furious because of what happened between us. I should be furious too, she hurt me bad. I knew that I was giving her enough time and she never complained because she didn't want me to be stressed. I knew that she craved for my time and presence not my money and I hardly gave her any.

She was my precious tresor and I neglected her. I used her as timepass I came to her only when I wasn't busy running my business just because I couldn't learn to delegate I needed to do everything on my own. I was wrong. I should have given her my time, I should have made her feel like my Queen, the only woman in my life. The only one who's been patient and supportive.

I remember how much she hated her job in the NGO but she never complained to me because she was doing it for me. I was the one who needed money, finance to start my business and she helped me. If it wasn't for her it would have taken me a couple of more years before starting anything.

She was the solid ground on which I built my life, my empire. But now she was gone. I often think of that day and I can't get over it. I still can't hate her I blame myself if i wasn't so busy if I was there more often if I had given her more attention and love maybe just maybe we would still be together with kids. Kids, our kids, small versions of us. But no, it would never happen. Because even if she 'll contact me I wouldn't be nice to her because she hurt me. I am still hurting. The memories of that fucking day are still fresh.

Lila no matter what is in my heart if you dare to show me your face I am going to make you regret your decision. No matter how I look at that day your betrayal hurts like fuck. You fucked one my friends. How could you be so heartless. No I wouldn't show you any mercy IF I see you. Fuck you and fuck those feelings for you. You're not worthy it.

My train of thoughts was broken my phone. An unknown number. Interesting....


No answer


Still no answer.

"What the fuck don't call of you're a fucking mute" and I hung up.

People nowadays are fucking morons I swear whoever it was I am going to

Dring dring


Silent greeted me back.

"What the fuck is your problem? Are you..


Damn it ! It's her and my her voice I am sure she's emotional her voice is thick Oh God I missed her voice. That angel-like voice that always calmed me before. She is on phone with me and she is crying. Why do I want to comfort her why do I miss her in my arms? Why do I want to protect her and take away her sorrow?

What fuck NO! she's a cheater a fucking liar! Man-up she is here to make demands not for a sentimental talk. Fuck her!

"I didn't catch your name lady" I answer in a serious almost rude voice.

"It's me Lila" Why does it sound her I broke her heart?

"Lila what a surprise can't say pleasant though. What do you want?

A meeting, I'd like to meet you to discuss about a very serious issu

And what would I get out of this meeting

Mark please it's really important please

you're begging so did Marcy what is it? You  want some money?"

Silent that's all I could make out for almost 5 seconds.

"No Mark Hudson I don't need your money; I need to see you but don't worry it isn't to rob you of your precious money."

Okay now she is furious I can imagine her all red and woked out and it brought back all those nice memories when we made up after a bed. Damn it two minutes on phone with her and I am thinking like that. I guess I was wrong to believe I was over Lila? She is still the only girl that can make be horny and angry at the same time. Which is a very bad combination might you.

"Why are you upset I just thought you needed money as you refused to take any of it during our divorse and didn't fill a claim after.

I just need to meet you Okay? When can we see each other?"

She sounds desperate ? It's the money I am sure people are always desperate for money. Well I will give her all the money she wants but she is going to work of it.

"I am free tonight dinner my place?" Looks like I can't hold my inner flirt when it comes to Lila. I can't believe I just casually invited her to dinner at my own place.

"No I'd prefer a public place, please"

So she doesn't want to seduce me. Interesting and so not like Lila. She has always taken all the occassions we were together to make me take her to bed. I never complained because let's face it I loved her. She would always say there is no time like present. And she was right if I was able to keep up all those years it was mainly due to all those beautiful memories she left behind. I guess they never let me hate her even though I tried. Very hard. I always ended up blaming myself for neglecting her.


The small café La Chandelle near your house

Very well around 8?

Yes 8 is good" she answered and then there was a silent again.

"I'll see you there then goodbye" and she closed the call, she didn't even let me answer.

Okay, now this is new well I guess things have indeed changed. She didn't talk much so unlike Lila she was like a radio and couldn't stop talking. Weirdly enough she was the sunshine I needed in my life, her babbling was always adorable because she would mix everything up and end up saying something dirty without realizing. Like this once when she was complaining that i was hard to live with when I complained about the same thing by listing all the problems from hair to the sink to brownies wrappers under the bed. She yelled that it was all a lie and she was an easy girl. Then she realized what she said and started to justify herself I was on the floor because I laughed to much. She was adorable when embarrassed.

Well well well looks like my little angel-voice is not so angelic anymore. But don't worry you won't be disppointed. I am going to show you how to do business little missy. Let's hear you out first.

I picked the file my private detective had sent me to see if I could anticipate my meeting with Lila. What could she possible want from me? More importantly how on earth am I going to be strong and enmotionless in front of her when just her voice nearly broke me down. I can't let her back in my life even if she begs me. Her betrayal nearly killed me I can't afford a repeat of that shit.

NO the answer is fucking NO for whatever you want from me Lila.

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