Chapter 7: Test, tested, testing...

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Lila POV

The dinner was a bad idea, so bad, damn I could barely control myself in front of that fucking waitress what the fuck was her problem anyway? Did Mark enjoyed her attention? Damn I need to stop. I am here for Marcus and that's it. I need to gather enough courage to tell him about Marcus. But I don't want to be in a room alone with him. He said he has moved out of our place why? I know he loved that house. He and I both decorated it with so much love, we talked about every single detail. But I guess he has changed. He looked older, mature than I remember and still so perfect. I wanted to throw myself in his arms just to remember the feeling. But no I need to stop. I need to stay focus and not be bother by his presence. I am after all leaving once this is done. I don't think I'll be able stay no matter what I do.

I am going to see him tomorrow and tell him about Marcus. I need to do this not for me but my child. Marcy is right he does need a father in his life.

The next day

He had texted me the address it's a flat. I was a bit surprised by this choice he always like houses but then again it's his choice. He opened the door and for a second I wondered how was a suppose to greet him: a kiss? a hug or just a hello, how are you? He must have seen my conflicted expression because he said hello to me. I guess I should play along. The table was already set and the food smelled amazing: italian I am guessing.

"Please sit down, may I offer a glass of wine?

"no thanks, I bought you some macarons, here"


Okay that is such an awkward conversation. Stay focus Lila you're on a mission.

"let's eat shall we? I'm starving" Mark said

Once seated I was thinking of a way to tel him that we have a child of 3 years old who is currently with his sister and he is sick.

"So, that person that you talked about yesterday who is he?

"Marcus he is"

"waouh you do like your men's names starting with M"

"what does that mean?"

"It means you're with a man who's name is very close to mine, is he a replacement? Are you planning on cheating on him with one of his friends too?"

Ouch that hurts, what the fuck? He thinks Marcus is my boyfriend? That I am a cheating bitch. Breath in and out Lila you need him.

"I need your help Marcus is .."

"Well I would have loved to but I wonder if it's all an act or not? Because that doesn't make any sense you coming here begging for another man and plus to me? Like to your husband? Did you have any bastard child with that Marcus?"

Okay that's it, it was a bad idea now it's confirmed. I pushed back the chair and left the table and then his house silently. I am done with that fucker he doesn't deserve to know about my son. I 'll find an other way. I refuse to lose my self esteem to that savage.

When I got back to Marcy's house I told her everything along with my decision de leave to go back to Seattle. Mark can go to hell. Marcy tried to make me change my mind but I am subborn always has been, I didn't listen.

Mark POV

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I say all those things to her? I know she's hurting and she's probably crying herself to sleep. I lost it when she talked about that fucking Marcus. I couldn't stop myself I still love her no matter what and I hate myself for that. I am weak, she has always been my weakness. My precious tresor, my lovely wife. Mine. Mine. Fucking Mine.

I need to get her back. I need it. What can I do? How can I get her after what just happened?

I know and I can't believe I am going to do this. Fuck me!

I texted her "I am sorry I shouldn't have talked to you that way. I can take the test whenever you want"

I hope she still accepts my help for that ...guy. I don't know him but I already hate him like fuck.

I waited whole night for an answer that never came. Looks like Lila doesn't want my help anymore. Damn it.

Lila POV

Mark got guts I gave him that. His text surprised me and honestly disarmed me. What should I do? Accept his apology? What if he talks to me like that again? That's exactly why I didn't want him any close to me or be in a room alone with him. Our divorsed left us both with untold emotions. We are both a mess, torn between the hatred we are suppose to feel and the lovely past we shared.

I need to do something. I thought after three years I had fallen out of love with but no looks like I am still that school girl crazy in love with her boyfriend. I guess I just have to accept that love is amazing but it only happens once and it will probably never happen to me again. Mark destroyed me for any other man. 

The next day I called the hospital to talk to the doctor that my Seattle doctor refered me to. Dr. Johnson was a tall, blond guy and he is our Marcus Seattle doctor' s friend. Dr. Johnson was very nice and amazing with Marcus. My son litterary told me he wants to be a doctor after his first meeting with him.

I called him to ask if somene could be tested for a compatibility test. He said he could do it around 5. I thanked him and send a message to Mark with the address and time. I have to do that for my son.

I was in the wiating room when Mark arrived, he was in his work clothes a black suit and grey shirt and tie. A lot women ogled him I guess I also would have if he hadn't insulted me just yesterday.



"how are you"

"great and you"


"the doctor will be out in a minute"

"okay where's Marcus doesn't the doctor needs his blood or something?"

"He has everything he needs and no Marcus isn't coming"

No way on earth my son will be in the same room as that man. Father or not. The doctor put an end to Mark's pathetic attempts to make small talk.

"Hello Miss Black how are ..? " he stopped mid sentence when he saw Mark. Guess he recognized him from a magazine. Wait what if he recognized him as Marcus father I mean he is a mini version of him.

"Hello Dr. Johnon this is Mark, a friend, he would like to help me for Marcus can you test him please?"

This should give him his answer. Please don't open your mouth please, please, please.

"Ah of course let's do it, please follow me"

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