character intro, prolouge and warnings

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(the media is the general idea of her that I think of, I did not draw her so the drawing isn't mine it belongs to whoever drew it)

Name: Noriko Sachiko

Age; 15

Quirk: 360 Vision


When quirk is activated she has the ability to see anything originally at a 2 meter radius and after a large amount of training it was expanded to 7 miles (14 miles diameter) this can be expanded or pinpointed by connecting mentally with a person who she has seen and gotten along with in the past, good for reconnaissance and helps to make assumptions of enemy plans as well and giving her the ability to draw out anything she sees effectively giving her the map of an enemy hideout/compound. (pretty much its a lot like Azusa from soul eaters

Drawback; dulled senses (her parents / most people do not know of these drawbacks)

touch- dulled sense of touch- numbish

hearing- muffled slightly

smell- inability to smell soft scents

sight-partially blind without quirk (often uses her quirk to support this drawback which results in general exhaustion)

taste- cannot taste something without it having strong flavor

If she overuses her quirk she could potentially black out or go into a coma to fix her lack of sleep because as noted above using it makes her tired.

Personality: constantly optimistic, smol excited lolita, secretive and mysterious, has cuteness that would make all of the girls visiting ohshc squeal and then faint,secretly very strong,

Daughter of the leader of Japan's self defence force giving her physical skills to go along with her quirk along with giving her battle strategy type knowledge after watching him come up with plans for his missions.

Description: Short (32 inches), long neon green hair  (slightly curly, wavy) , lolita, cupid lips like a doll, porcelain skin tone, ice blue eyes with a slight shine hinting at her partial blindness, button nose, wears a black choker around her neck with an eye on it symbolizing her quirk, light blue bangle bracelets worn nearly every day but they are sometimes difficult to keep on.

Begin story:

General POV-

"Come darling look at the television, there's a hero defeating a villain !" a woman calls from her living room.

"Coming mommy!" the four year old bounded down the stairs towards her mother, long green hair fluffing out behind her.

    On the television a low level hero was chasing down a likely homeless man who had stolen a few wallets as well as an apple from a street side vendor. Everyone was cheering on the hero to catch the man since he had done such terrible things.  While he was running the mans flicking eyes caught those of a small child barely clothed and with hollow hungry eyes being held up by an equally malnourished young boy. Without stopping his running he nodded at the children and threw his apple to them discreetly and seemingly nobody noticed allowing the children to eat something, they cried as they ate because they saw the kind man being apprehended down the street by the hero chasing him. The man was taken to the police to be dealt with as the hero was questioned and received praise.

    In the living room the green haired girls mother was cheering right along with them at the hero's great accomplishment .

    The child on the other hand had something very different going through her mind. The primary thought in her head was simply ' why is what he did evil, he simply needed food and with nobody to help him helped himself and in the end sacrificed himself for someone else, being kind is supposed to be a hero if that is the case then the man was the hero here not the one who captured him' 'lies'

    Her mom turned to her with a great smile on her face and said " I bet you will be a great hero won't you, you'll help people just like your father, with your quirk you will do great, you don't even have any drawbacks it's like a medical miracle" the mother went on to tell her daughter how lucky the young girl was that she was in possession of everything she need to be a hero and how she would never get bullied in school because her vision quirk was so cool and useful along with the girls happy attitude she would never have any shortage of friends to go along with her heroism.

    The girl ignored all of this and simply asked herself:

 'Do I want to be a hero?'


Warnings and descriptions/thoughts:

I do not own bnha in any way it is owned by kohei horikoshi (I think I spelled that right) all I own is my oc.

    I won't own most of the media/pictures in here unless i specifically say that i drew it so yeah theres that.

I have a tendency to dislike cliches and exact copies of story lines so I will probably change things up a bit.

I don't know if I plan to really pair her in a loving relationship with anyone but she will have a lot of people who like her in general because of her personality. I can rethink the pairing if people want me to.

I will probably put in ova chapters that will have the cliche's in them and it does have the original characters so it's not really an AU. Characters may be a bit OOC sorry about that I can't much help it

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