Chapter 13

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A.N. kay so I had to write this with 22 students and it took a moderate amount of thought if I wanted to so it close to the original version and just have one team go twice going against the original person and then a tag team of Noriko and Shinsou but I decided not to do that for the sake of I just wanted to do it differently and have had a lot to do with AP bio work so I didn’t have time to work on something more complex. Sorry also for this being so late but midterms and halloween are my entire life this past week so yeah, also I’m revising my prior “I will post on mondays” to “I will post at least once every week” because that is something I can keep, mondays isn’t working out how I thought it would.


I stood there just swinging the sleeves for a while before I heard squealing and felt someone picking me up and running out of the room shouting “We are going to be so damn late!” and nearly hitting the walls of the hallway we were in, I almost wanted to yell at her for picking me up again but I was more focused on not being killed by a stray wall corner.

We finally reached the opening we were meant to come out of and before we walked through it all I saw was light before it washed over me while we walked out.


Noriko POV:

“Will you just put me down please~” I whined it feels like they are just constantly picking on my height today. What did I do to deserve this. I have known that baka Gaki for eleven years and he never did anything like this to me. Is it because its high school? Is that how it works? Or just school in general? I’ve never been to school before so I might have to ask Gaki when I get back, then again he didn’t go to school either so it might be pointless.

“Nuh uh” Uraraka says while walking us towards midoriya. “Hey deku I love your costume!” she yells when we get close enough. He starts blushing uncontrollably causing me to giggle lightly.

“Hehehehe Midori-kun you're so funny” I put my small hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggles but it doesn’t work out so well.

“Thanks Uraraka and Noriko it means alot” he manages to say through his embarrassment.

“No biggie” I say before starting to wiggle out of Uraraka’s grip she tried to catch me but I ran over to blondie knowing that nobody would try to bother me if I was with him since I bet they would all dress up as him if they were told to dress up as something that scares them. All Might draws everyone’s attention to him by complementing us all and then he pulls out a set of notes. Well he clearly isn’t the type of hero Gaki makes him out to be I was expecting him to be super attention hogging irritatingly perfect type person but nope I get a teacher who can’t even remember what he wants to teach or rather make us do.

“We will be doing one on one fights hero versus villain, good versus evil, IT’S BATTLE TRAINING” he raises his voice for the last part and my classmates start cheering, I join them to and shimmy up Blondie so this time I can see more of his mannerisms and what he's doing in the traditional sense and not with my quirk since people were probably wondering why I was back here if I couldn’t see.  

“THE FIRST PAIR UP WILL BE-” he pulls out a long list of pairings from yet another pocket in his spandex suit “-BAKUGOU VERSUS MIDORIYA” oh… well this is gonna end badly.

“Good luck blondie” I say as I climb back down him.

“THE REST OF THE STUDENTS WILL JOIN ME ON THE BLEACHERS WHILE YOUR CLASSMATES FIGHT IN THE ARENA” we walked into the giant arena building that’s usually used for sports festivals and split up, the two intended boys go out to the grounds while the rest up us make our way up the the seats. The boys on the ground are glaring at each other from opposite sides of the arena, which is kind of confusing for me since there wasn’t any ground rules set aside from the obvious don't kill each other rule, which means that they could be as close as they want, which means Blondie or Midoriya could be right behind the other person ready to restrain them like a hug but from behind. They could even restrain him before the match starts- but nooo these heroes only think inside the box and inside their assumed courtesy rules.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now