Chapter 15

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Suddenly there is a ring of the generic apple ringtone and everyone looks for where it might be coming from. We can't figure it out until All Might pulls a phone out of somewhere in his spandex costume and yells "I AM HERE THROUGH A MOBILE PHONE!" more than half of 1A laughs at his introduction while the rest are trying desperately to listen in to his conversation even though they are on the bleachers and he is near the fighting block.

His face turns serious after a few seconds and he instructs us all to return to class and wait for our next teacher, declaring that practical training is now over. Then he runs out through one of the many entrances.


3rd POV

"Repeat that again Tsukauchi" All might requests not quite believing what he has heard.

"The villain struck again, they used a hero intern who just graduated from U.A. to send a message, they controlled the man into making a crude imitation of their killings and write a message in the deceased hero's blood before having the intern kill himself, we are investigating and cleaning up the scene now"

"What was the message Tsukauchi?"

"We assume it was them correcting our name we broadcasted on TV this morning, it was simply 'Puppet', it is upsetting that the two heroes died but it did give us valuable information," Tsukauchi says trying to look on the bright side of this grim situation.

"Lives are never equal to information" the look on All Might's face could kill a man, luckily he went to an area of U.A that had no other occupants since his time had run out.

"This information could save more hero lives, did you forget this villain's body count? It's in the thousands! Any information we get brings us a step closer to catching them and ending this decade-long crusade against the hero population!" Tsukauchi was getting ready to fight the number one hero on this point, he was around death often and frankly was starting to get a little bit detached from its effects, to him it was just another number, another case, another thing to be solved. Only this one case that has special significance to him, not only has several of his hero acquaintances been added to the list of casualties but it was also his first solo case assigned to him and has been his curse for the past 11 years, he lives with the constant guilt that thousands of heroes have been killed because he can't find some villain even though he has had eleven years to do it.

However, Toshinori only sighed in near silent agreement with the detective. "This was our idea we have to live with it, and I guess you're right, information is the most important in cases like this" All Might was not impressed with himself for saying this but he knew it was true and a heroes code is to always say the truth if possible so he did it, begrudgingly.

1A's heroes in training changed and returned to class, oblivious to their teachers mental suffering. Aizawa-sensei was standing at the podium silently for a few minutes before deciding he didn't want to teach and dismissing them all to return home early since he hadn't actually prepared anything for him to teach during his planning period beforehand.

Ilda was beginning to question the U.A. teachers qualifications but also didn't want to doubt the abilities of a certified pro hero. While the rest of the class was just glad to be able to leave, Hitoshi Shinsou especially just wanted to go home and complain about his failure to his cat and then go to sleep. The same went for Noriko Sachiko, though her plans fell less on the: complain to a cat she didn't possess spectrum, and more on the-sleep spectrum.

Noriko messaged her familial cohorts that she would be returning to the hideout early. Toga was beyond excited for her friends return. Dabi and Shigaraki were just as excited but they hid it under faked annoyance. Kurogiri offered to pick her up once she got a bit away from the school but she denied saying she needed to pick things up on the way back. She didn't specify what these 'things' were however which was mildly concerning since she didn't usually go anywhere without saying exactly where she was going or making one of the group members carry her on their shoulders to wherever she wanted to go pointing the way like she was leading an army. Which honestly was quite adorable and Shigaraki had secretly taken multiple photographs of her doing just that not that he would show anybody or ever admit to having taken them.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now