Chapter 1

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Noriko POV age 15-

I try once more to knock on the door with the knocker, reaching up on the very tips of my toes and stretching my torso, fingers, and legs as far as I possibly can and.... I still can't reach it.

    Defeated I lower myself and put my hand out to knock on the plain wood, my lip jutting out a bit in a small pout and my long green hair covering my disappointed eyes from anyone else who could possibly be nearby.

    The door opens and there he stands, "GAKI" I shout and try to tackle him which ends up just being a weird waist hug thing and him angrily scrubbing at my hair.

    "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK NORIKO! I told you to stop calling me 'Gaki' where the hell did you even get it from! I swear to-"

    "Wellll your name is shigaraki so I just took those part and made a nickname, and I'm not changing it!" I am both excited to be with him and irritated he doesn't like my nickname it took a long time to come up with ya know.

    "Welcome back to base Noriko how did your mission go?" a deep slightly ominous voice asks from behind the bar.

    "KURO!" I shout running around Gaki to hug his leg "Gaki is being mean to me" Kurogiri puts down the glass he is cleaning and pats my head before picking me up and putting me on his precious bar counter.

    "Yes yes I will speak to him about it later, for now tell me how your mission went"

    I gave him a mock solute indicating that I will now start my report. " he hero's were making a raid on the slums timed at yesterday 13 o clock upon arrival I made a map of the complex-" I reach into my pocket and hand him a map, it's good to have a map of everything- even the slums sometimes it's the most important map when you're hiding out- "- and then i proceeded into the area to head off the enemy before they could reach their goal and supposedly 'rid the city of the homeless filth' " I spat out disgusted by hero language " Once I came in contact I proceeded to bring an end to each of their fates," instead of my voice becoming dark at the end it became lighter as though I was talking about anything else that would excite me but not in a psychopathic way like Toga. "Nobody who saw me lives anymore so no worries about exposure"

    "Well done Noriko, I'm glad you are accomplishing your goals while helping us, it reminds me of when you first joined the league all those years ago"


    The agency of the hero who just hours ago collected a thief off the streets is now in flames burning to the ground, the fire department is too far away to be of any help and nobody knows who set the fire. Except 4 people.

(in another area, pretty much the center of the building)

    "It was another left here...right" the young four year old looks down at the slightly blurry map in her hands,  its an exact replica of the burning building she currently resides in. "oh that's right can't see tired...why did I do this again?....because that hero wasn't a real hero, that why...I could die right now couldn't I...definitely worth it..." the girl is mumbling all of her thoughts in a sluggish way, she will fall asleep any time now and then she will die if nobody helps her.

    "Hey teacher! It's a kid! She's about to pass out" a blue haired young male runs over to the teetering toddler and catches her as she passes out the warp gate next to him catching the map that falls out of her hand.

They both inspect what they are holding on the boys end he sees a young girl slightly soot covered with green hair and a name, address, and phone number sharpied on her wrist.

The Warp Gate looks at the piece of printer paper in his hand with an exact replica of the building they are standing in with a label of the place,time it was made, and a line that says 'reason _____' which was then filled in with : he's not a hero  in a child's handwriting. He glances at the girl and temporarily wonders if the girl made it and if she did then how did she make it, she seems to be an infant though it is more likely she is a toddler if she is able to walk. His thoughts are cut short by a voice

"Kurogiri there is a beam about to fall, warp us all out of here and back to base"

"But teacher we don't know where to put the girl" the blue haired boy argues.

"Bring her with us"

"What about the mission?"

"It seems to have been completed for us now doesn't it, now warp us Kurogiri unless you wish us all to die" all for one is growing impatient with his two subordinates for not doing exactly as he said, he does not want his successor to die here.

"Yes sir" Kurogiri warps them into the bar.

When they get there he places the girl onto one of the couches and retrieves water and a towel to clean up the soot that coats every inch of available uncovered skin.

"Tomura what it say her name was" All For One asks.

"Nor...Norico...Noriko? Sackiko...Sachiko?" he struggles in remembering since the sharpie was wiped off in the process of wiping the soot off.

Just then the girl opens her eyes whimpering and mumbling about it being too dark in the room "can't see" she whispers. It intreauges her present company but it is not the most important thing in their mind to ask.

"Noriko" she looks up. "What were you doing in a burning building" she looks down nervously as if she is scared to answer the question.

"Isetitonfire" she mumbles quickly

"What was that?" He asks

"I said : I set it on fire" everyone looks at her surprised by her response

"Why" they all say at the same time.

"Because he said he was a hero but he's not, he arrested a man who was nice and just trying to stay alive and the man only got caught because he helped hungry kids, the 'hero' was happy about being mean to a nice person and thats not okay, he's not a hero, the law is a lie" she said completely serious.

"Are you aware that you likely killed everyone in that building?"

"Yes" she says coldly.

"Do you want to get rid of more people like him?"

"Yes" she repeats

"Would you like help doing so with more resources than you could ever have on your own, would you like to join us in our conquest against the supposed right and wrong presented by the decided law?"


~flashback end~

Noriko POV:

"You have a new mission" Kurogiri says. I smile.

A.N: hello, my glasses still aren't fixed so this is 100% unedited and made out if she ideas and my memory of how a keyboard works, hope anybody likes it, bye

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now