Chapter 20

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The villains who nearly killed Noriko? They're dead. Shigaraki killed them before either had a chance to know what they had done wrong, the second the men returned to the hideout he had knife thrown at him and a hand latched onto the back of his neck, the knife hit him right between the eyes and the hand turned him to ash. Then, blue flames ensured that there was no longer even the ash of the evil man's body, he would be forever forgotten, no longer existent.


Noriko Pov:

I went to sleep early last night and the night before so I could use my quirk as much as I wanted. I had finally managed to beat Nomu yesterday so I am super excited for the sports festival today.

"Alright shrimp, you better to fucking awesome today alright?" Gaki said roughly.

"WE'LL BE WATCHING" Toga screamed waving her arms around wildly while jumping up and down and occasionally attacking Dabi or patting his shoulders.

"Get the fuck off of me ya little freak I swear I will burn you" Dabi spits out in disgust at Toga's anitics. I giggle quietly catching the attention of a certain burn scarred man. "Aye whatcha think you're laughing at cripple"

"Hey! I'm not crippled anymore thank you very much!" I declared. We didn't have to wear our uniforms today because we were going to put on the sports uniform once was got to school and the festival was all day, so I put one one of my favorite Qi lolita dresses, the green sleeves reached past my hands but were forced to bunch around my wrists as I held the handles of my no longer necessary crutches.the tassels on the skirt almost reached by feet making me slightly wary of the maneuverability with the crutches and if I would accidentally catch one of them and fall but since I had moved around the base without incident I think I will be okay. Kuro can't warp me to school because of all the added security that comes with the festival.

It took forever but I finally reached the school, and I am almost late, where is blondie when I need him!?

"Hello sweetie, do you need help getting to your mother?" Mt. lady asks.

"Um... no, I need to get to the 1A changing rooms..." I mutter, I really hate it when people think I'm a kid.

"Oh dear! You are a student and you're going to participate with those injuries!" she cries gesturing at my legs and drawing the attention of bored onlookers.

"Yeah...that was the plan, my doctor said I could and It's been a couple of weeks since I woke up from the coma so my muscles are back to normal..." I trail off unsure if this will get her to let me through or if I shared to much and she will make me go home for my health or something.

She is about to say something when like the angry god he is blondie turned the corner. "BLONDIE!" I scream in his direction, he decided to wear his uniform despite the lack of requirement. He looked in my direction angrily "WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!" he yelled one of his hands letting off small explosions. I raise one of my crutches in the air and wave it, my bangle bracelets making noise and the crutch sticking up above Mt. lady's crouched figure.

"Damn shrimp, the caterpillar asshole is gonna be so pissed if we are late so what the fuck are you still doing out here!?" Blondie asks while slowly walking toward us.

"Talking to Mt. lady obviously! Do you need glasses Blondie?" Mt. lady watches our interaction slightly shocked that I am talking to someone who is so clearly a delinquent.

"Well now you are coming with me dipshit" he says picking me up and putting me on his shoulders with my crutches in his hands. I give him my student id so he can scan it along with his as he walks through the gate.

A lot of people watch us as we pass by on the way to the changing room. When we do reach it though, he hands me off to mina who takes it upon herself to help me take off the braces and change then put them back on.

"I could have done that myself ya' know" I say

"Yeah but you need all the energy you can get for the festival later so I wanna help in everything I can" she explains while the rest of the girls in the room nod their heads.

"Okay then" I look down with a blush dusting at my cheeks, at the league people have more of a 'every man for themselves' mentality when it isn't really important.

Once everyone is changed we move as a parade down to the waiting room, this time with me on Mina's shoulders. I see Todoroki talking to Midoriya as we walk in, something about a war declaration. Too bad though, neither of them are going to win, it's gonna be me.

Ilda comes in saying that it's about time for us to leave and that Aizawa-sensei will be in the announcement booth with Present Mic all day but that he will talk to us after the festival during homeroom. We all filed out, me still on Mina's shoulders.

There was cheers all around us and other classes filling into the rest of the arena floor, Midnight was standing up on a platform, her whip held in front of her and a screen behind her. She announced herself then pointed to the commentator box and introduced Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic. She introduced and explained the concept of the festival before saying that the year one representative needed to come to the stage.

"Could, Noriko Sachiko come to the stage for the first year pledge, Noriko Sachiko to the stage" she called while scanning the crowd of students.

Mina started walking forward with me on her shoulders, when she reached the stairs she was about to go up them when midnight stopped her, "Just Noriko please" Blondie still has my crutches which makes me panic, how am I going to keep up the 'I can't walk very well' and be super impressive later on if I have to walk across the stage now!?

"Hey shrimpy!" blondie calls, "did ya' forget something!?" he yells holding my miniature sized crutches over the crowd, Sero attaches tape to them and swings it over the crowd like rope and they land in Mina's hands. At this point the crowd has started shuffling confusedly, why was such a small person the representative? Was she going to participate injured? Many questioned filled their heads but I just waited for Mina to put down the crutches and lift me off her shoulders and put me down on the stage with them. Once I was once again situated with them I went over to the microphone Midnight had lowered while we were retrieving my supports from Blondie.

"I pledge that everyone will do their best to accomplish their goals and I as representative of the first year class of U.A. will work my hardest to show the results of the 1a hero courses abilities and strengths" I announce, a cheer rises from both the students and the spectators, it was a classic and perfect morale boost, or it would have been if not for one certain person.

"I'm gonna get first place!" a certain explosive blondie screamed over the crowd, the students started yelling at him while Ilda reprimanded his actions, I just laughed and returned to the Bakusquads side waiting for the next announcement, the one that would decide the first step in the festival.

A.N. yeah so ya know how I said I was gonna write a lot because of thanksgiving...yeah I got sick again so that didn't happen, sorry. Have a great day I hope you liked this chapter!

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now