Living Without You

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Aizawa sat frozen on the couch, though his heart and his mind were running faster than ever. His thoughts were jumbled and he found it hard to breathe. His hands were shaking and he wanted to flip the coffee table that he was sitting at, getting ready to correct some tests and send out a few E-mails.
But, when he opened his laptop, he found something that Hizashi had left open. At first, he moved his finger across the pad to close out of the page, but as he skimmed over it with his eyes, he found the names 'Bakugo, Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Jiro, Sero, Kaminari, Ojiro,' that stood out. Almost half of his class. When he saw the page, he thought it might be his. But it wasn't. It was a roll call list, almost. It even held some of the teachers names and personal information about everyone on the list, including grades, relationships, abilities and weaknesses. It was like a data sheet on only part of the class, and it had other information that was coded, and signed by an alias.

Within moments, Aizawa cleared his mind and took a photo on his phone, before he hid the phone in another pocket of his suit. He looked at the laptop one last time before Hizashi walked into the room.
He had a big smile on his face, and his long blonde hair was tied back tight. His glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his long hands were wrapped around a coffee cup. He was completely unaware what his husband had just unearthed, but he was going to know very soon.

"Hizashi," Aizawa's voice boomed like thunder as pure rage filled his body. Hizashi's green eyes widened in confusion.
  "What is all of this?" Aizawa continued as he picked up the laptop and exposed the letter. Hizashi paused and he looked at the laptop, and then into Aizawa's eyes.
"Why do you have this data on my students, Yamada?" Aizawa hissed.
Hizashi's eyes suddenly relaxed a little and he stepped into the room, smiling softly. He laughed a little and set his coffee down, looking at Aizawa.
"What do you mean?" He chuckled.
Aizawa let his rage out and his eyes turned deep red. His thick black hair lifted off his shoulders and he launched his weapon at Hizashi, wrapping him up tight. Hizashi didn't have much reaction time and his quirk was long gone.
   "Shōta!" Hizashi gasped as Aizawa tied his weapon off and slammed Hizashi down against the couch.
  "What was it Hizashi!?" Aizawa snapped and pointed at the laptop.
Yes, he was completely overwhelmed with rage, but he also felt the backlash of heartbreak at the thought of Hizashi being a traitor.
"Do you love me, Shōta?" Hizashi asked calmly, his voice strained from the scarf wrapped tight around his body.
  The question threw Aizawa right off his feet. He didn't even hear what Hizashi said, following the question before, which was, "Because I can explain all of this."
He stared at Hizashi in disbelief as his expression changed to an almost urgent look. Aizawa let his arm fall to his side and he looked deep into Hizashi's eyes to try and find some sort of comfort. Some sort of sign that would help him let go of the possibility that Hizashi really was a traitor. His throat was dry as he ran the question through his head.
"Do you love me, Shōta?"
"Of course, Hizashi." Was what Aizawa told himself, but he couldn't let that fall from his lips. He felt the sudden jerk of reality. Everything that Aizawa had gone through during and even after the training camp was because Hizashi leaked the information. Hizashi gave the villains the possibilities. The information about Bakugo.
Then, the realization that he couldn't love Hizashi anymore. It wasn't a possibility.
"Shōta?" Hizashi whined as he squirmed under the scarf, though his voice was still deep.
"Yeah, I love you Hizashi." Shōta said dryly after he'd gathered his thoughts and held back his tears.
Hizashi was a little happier to hear that, so he could explain everything that Aizawa was getting wrong.
Hizashi went to open his mouth before his heart was sliced before he could even think of what to say.
"But, I could live without you."

"I could get by without you Hizashi, and I'd never love you if you betrayed me, or my students." Aizawa said sternly.
Hizashi looked up into Aizawa's eyes, seeing how serious his husband was, making his heart drop to the bottom of his chest. He cleared his throat and looked away.
  "Okay." Hizashi said and paused, biting the edge of his cheek to keep the tears back.
"Then, if you'd mind, I could explain everything going on." Hizashi said. Aizawa could see the pain overwhelming in Hizashi's eyes, and he glanced back at the laptop.
  "I was investigating the letters and the information. I've been working on it since Mr.Snipe said I could be the traitor." Hizashi said plainly, with a hint of annoyance that he could be accused so easily. This meant he was hard to trust, and even seemed like the lying type. Maybe that's what was hurting him the most.

Aizawa remembered a few months back, after he'd gotten home from the camp. The first thing Hizashi did after saying hello, was complaining about the teachers comment. He said it had been driving him crazy, and even declared, "I'm going to find out who this traitor is."  Of course that didn't cancel out the possibility of Hizashi being a traitor, but now that Aizawa ran this all through his head, he found it harder for him to blame him.
Aizawa looked at the laptop and sat down.
"It's all in my folder, titled 'traitor'." Hizashi added. He felt nauseous and he closed his eyes, leaning his head back as the restraints choked him slowly.
Aizawa pulled up the laptop and looked through the folder. He was impressed that his husband was doing so well. He had kept the file organized and everything was in check. Nothing seemed to be out of place or randomly set anywhere, which is something his students would do. He smiled with a little pride as he read through it all, knowing that they could turn it in to the police and they could find the one who betrayed the school and set the whole school's reputation ablaze. He turned to Hizashi with a proud smile and a forgetful mind, not even thinking about what he'd just done.
Hizashi wasn't looking at Aizawa. He was breathing lowly, both because of the scarf around him and the fact that he was crying silently.
Aizawa quickly threw himself off the couch and untied Hizashi, pulling the weapon away from him carefully.
Now Aizawa's mind was racing with apologies to say and ways to make it up to his husband for being so cruel and forgetting.
  "You don't trust me, do you?" Hizashi asked almost silently, his face drowned in tears that he refused to let Aizawa see by keeping his face hidden in his hands.
  Aizawa took one glance at his lover and knew he crossed the line way far this time. The sight of Hizashi crying was painful enough, but now it was because of him.
Aizawa finally let his tears stream down his face and he threw himself at Hizashi with his arms open, pinning Hizashi in a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry." Aizawa said as he looked into Hizashi's eyes. Then he hid his face in the crook of Hizashi's neck, gripping onto him.
  "I'm so relived. I really didn't mean what I said Hizashi, I really didn't." Aizawa whimpered and held tight to Hizashi's shoulder, remembering how clueless his husband was when he walked in the room. Hizashi held his breath before he wrapped his arms around Aizawa tightly, hiding his face in his shoulder.
  "I really didn't mean it." Aizawa repeated.
"I could go on without you but that doesn't mean I'd be happy Hizashi." Aizawa added and ran his fingers through his hair, pressing his lips against Hizashi's temple, tears pouring down his face.
"You're all that makes me happy." Aizawa whimpered.
Hizashi felt his cheeks starting to burn from the salty tears that covered his face.
"I love you so much Shōta!" Hizashi cried and he gripped at Aizawa's back.
So many emotions crowded the two, running them both into the ground.
Aizawa cupped Hizashi's face and pressed his lips against the others. He moved one hand from Hizashi's cheek, combing his fingers through his hair slowly as he pulled the hair tie out.
Hizashi kisses back and rested his arms on Aizawa's shoulders, pulling him forward a little.
Aizawa moved his face away a little to breath, holding Hizashi close as he listened to his heavy breathing.
  "I got so scared at the thought of you being the traitor Hizashi. I couldn't handle it and I let my emotions get ahead of me." Aizawa breathed and kissed Hizashi's cheek, still combing through his hair. Hizashi knew Aizawa was serious, and only because Aizawa never let his emotions out like that. He was protective of his students. That was a very clear fact.
Hizashi felt a bit better after the tears dried up and he cuddled with Aizawa for a little longer. He didn't ever want to think about what Aizawa had said ever again. That was something that Hizashi often found the voices in his head saying to him, and he knew it wasn't true, but hearing it straight from Aizawa filled him with the most pain.

Aizawa finally scooped Hizashi up off the couch, ignoring the laptop completely and carrying his husband into their bedroom. It was now much too late for them to stay up, and they were both out of it from sobbing and smothering each other with affection. Hizashi was already half asleep with his face buried against Aizawa's skin, and Aizawa knew he'd never be able to keep up the act that he could live without Hizashi there for him. If they'd never met, he would be just fine. But now, Aizawa wouldn't ever be able to completely let go.
Aizawa gently laid his husband down on the bed, gently pushing the hair out of his captivating green eyes that were hardly open. He knew he would never be able to let go.
Aizawa smiled weakly and pulled his pajama pants off, deciding it was too stuffy in the room to keep them on. He latched onto his husband and cuddled against him as he pulled the blanket up, locking their bodies together.

"Shōta?" Hizashi whined out, though it was only because he was tired. Aizawa looked up, resting his head.
"Yes, my love?" He asked softly.
"I couldn't live without you. And because of that, I'd never be able to betray you either." Hizashi said. It was the only full sentence he'd said all night since he said 'I love you'.
Aizawa felt a bit a guilt fill him and he hid his embarrassed face.
"I trust you Yamada."
"Goodnight, Love."
"Goodnight, 'Zashi."

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