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DISCLAMER: I love the Messi Family (Thiago is SO cute!!), but for the purposes of this story, they won't exist. Sorry!

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys, this is the first time I am writing a football (soccer) story, instead of just reading them, so PLZ help me out when I get my facts wrong. You all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Neymar walked out in a Real Madrid Jersey" or anything else like that. I don't mind constructive criticism, but PLZ don't be rude. I will try to update ASAP, but I don't really have a schedule for it. I promise if you guys comment then I'll update faster.

Also I wanted to let you all know that this story is going to take place about eight years ago, so Leo is 19 years old and Cristiano is 21 years old, but I'm going to be using players from different times, not just the ones from eight years ago.


Slytherin_Princess13 :)


She stepped in front of me and looked at me with hatred filled electric blue eyes and asked, "who do you think you are anyway?"

Her voice echoed in the stadium and silence followed, filling the air of the chilly evening as I stared at her shocked; I hadn't been expecting a question. I was ready for her to curse at me or even try to punch me, but the question caught me off guard. Looking around, the team stared at me, expecting an answer; so, I straightened up, trying to match her height; looking at her in the eye with equal hatred, I replied, "The football manager."

19 year-old Arianna Marie is a football manager; she has been the football manager for Spanish Club Real Madrid for the past five years. She has grown close with all the players of the team, but what happens when the FC Barcelona's team manager retires? Arianna is notified that she is going to be transferred to FC Barcelona since Real Madrid already has two other managers. She is forcefully being sent to her RIVAL team! If she doesn't go, then she will lose her job. What happens to her at Barcelona? Will the players shun her? Or will they get a little too close? How will Arianna cope with being caught in no man's land between her home team and her new team?

Read on to find out....

Do you guys like the cover?? What do you think so far???


STORY STARTED: 7/25/2014

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