6- The light is on me..it's not good

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I had my teacher putting ice on my face, my friends getting me a chair, hope talking to me about happened. My mom ran into the studio. "What happened?" She asked. She was still angry. "Lilly got jumped." Hope said while defending me. All of a sudden.. *sirens
Police came in. Was my mom being hunted by police. "Mrs. Leblanc you're under arrest for a minor count of child neglect." The cop said. Everyone went silent. "What happened here?" He asked. I tried to make the best puppy dog face I can. "After the video was posted I was jumped." I said. The cop tightened the hand cuffs that were already on my mom. "I'm sorry! please don't arrest me! I love my children!" She said. "Say that in court." The cop said. Before I knew it my mom was being driven away in a cop car.

Full breakdown mode. I started hyperventilating, and crying. My friends and teachers knelt down in front of me, held my hands and all went with the "it's going to be okay" "it's not your fault" "You're so brave for speaking up." The rest of my class came out to watch and saw several people trying to calm a beaten up and sobbing me, wow.. What am I going to do? are they going to keep me at class? Miss Kim finally sighed and said. "Lilly i know this might be a lot right now. This is a 7 hour class and it's best to keep you away from home and to get things off your mind and you also have to start training again if you want to compete. Feel free to sit out whenever." She said. I smiled. I can do this. I can do this. 

I went in to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked bruised but not as bad as before. I continued to stare in the mirror. Is this really who I am? I thought. I tore apart my family in seconds. They probably hate me! I sobbed and slid to the floor. I felt something tap my shoulder I turned around. It was Caleb. I knew he wasn't actually there but it was so real. Like he was an angel. "Caleb!! It's been so hard without you I miss you so much." I said in between sobs. "I miss you too. It's been hard seeing my family move on without me. You're going to get through this." he said. "i'll be watching over you every second until I know you're happy." He calmly said. "Don't leave me, I can't do this without you Caleb. Everything has been falling apart. My heart can't take it. I never got over you." I said. "My heart wasn't strong enough either and I ended up dying. I want you to keep fighting and work it, Lilly." He said. "Don't go." I said. "Celebrate life. live. Go out there and do what you love." He said. I was suddenly brought back into reality. I need to live my life. 

I tied my hair up in my signature twisty braid ponytail, pulled off my shirt, slipped my half soles on and pasted a smile on the face. For the first time in weeks skipped into the class room and faded in to the choreography which I have mentally burned into my brain to remember. 

They were already half way through it and I found a spot and just started to perform. The song was "Say Something" by great big world which is a stereotypical lyrical dance to compete in but I sucked in the meaning and the story behind it. It's about losing someone you love to say shortly. But right now all I was thinking was I lost the trust from my family and dancing right now was grieving. I paused. My mom is innocent. What did I say? What did I do? I ran to the corner to look at my phone and I checked the video, 6 million views. oh my god.. My instagram follow requests were going insane. Annie was following me and someone must've saw my username "lillyleblz7" and leaked it. My profile picture was my pointe shoes. It was obvious that it was me. The best thing I can do is go public and instantly thousands of followers were automatically accepted and it made me phone go frozen. "Lilly, you're okay over there?" Miss Kim asked. I turned around and faced the class. "I think I'm internet famous." I said.

Saving Lilly Leblanc / A Bratayley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now