Chapter 15: Preparation

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~~~~~~1 year later~~~~~

Harry is now 21, but Louis is still 21 too, he'll have a birthday on December 24, so that he can be 22.

-Louis' POV-

"Boobear, wake up, wake up" A man's voice said.

I opened my eyes, "Hey my little Boobear" Harry said to me then he kissed my nose.

I smiled, "Goodmorning Hazza" I replied back then I kissed his nose too.

His arms were wrapped to my body, while my arms are in my bump.

"What time is it??" I asked him then I rubbed my eyes.

"It's 8am" He replied back then he smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Are you hungry??" He asked me.

I nodded, "Okay, I'll help you to get up" He replied back then he stood.

He held my hand and my back, while my other hand is in my bump, "Easy....easy......" He said.

I stood up finally, we go to the bathroom, we washed our face, he went out because I'll use the toilet.

Once I'm finish, I stood up slowly, then I opened the door.

He held my hand then we went out, when we're going down, he held my back and my hand tightly so that I can go down safely.

"It's so hard to have a bump" I said in a sad tone.

"Hey, I'm here princess, I'll guide you, after this we can do all we want" He replied back then he smiled.

I smiled back, then he guided me to seat down, "What do you want for breakfast??" He asked me.

"I want cereal and milk, Haz" I replied back cutely.

"Is that good for the twins??" He asked me.

"Of course, that's a healthy food Haz" I replied back then I smiled.

He went to the kitchen, "How about you Babe??" I asked him out loud.

"Oh, I'll just eat bread" He replied back then he smiled at me.

I smiled back, but deep inside, I feel bad to him, why just bread? He would be hungry if he'll eat breads only, what if I gave him some of my cereal and milk? Oh! What a good thing!

"Here it is!!" He said then he puts my cereal and my milk to the table, then I saw two breads only to his hand.

He sat down then he started to eat, I'm watching him to eat.

"Uhm Haz, do you like coffee??" I asked him.

He looked at me, "Oh, thank you Love, but It's okay, I don't need coffee" He replied back then he smiled.

I'm eating my cereal now, but I stopped, "Haz, can you help me to eat my cereal?? I can't eat this, it's so many, you can eat it if you want" I asked him then I smiled.

He smiled back, then he nodded, he takes a spoon, and we're now eating our breakfast together.

~~~~~~~~~8 mins. Later~~~~~~~

We're now already done, Harry is now done washing the dishes.

I'm watching something in the TV while Harry is reading something in his phone.

"What's that Hazza??" I asked him then I looked at his phone.

"Oh this is just a.... Uhmm, I should be prepared to be a Dad, since I'm the man in this relationship, and I'll be the head of this family" He replied back then he smiled.

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