Chapter 2: He's The One

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~~~~~Next day~~~~~

-Harry's POV-

I woke up at 7am sharp. I rub my eyes to see clearly. I walk fast to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I go out to my room, then I go down to eat breakfast with my family.

"Goodmorning Mom" I said to my mom while smiling at her.

"Goodmorning Dad" I said to my dad while smiling too.

"Goodmorning Sis" I said to my sister then I sat on my chair.

"Goodmorning Bro" Gemma replied, she gave me eggs, hotdogs, and bacons, I put some ketchup to make it more delicious. Then, I began eating.

"Goodmorning Harry, how's your restaurant?" My mom asked me, "Everything is fine mom" I replied while smiling at her.

"How's Perrie and the other girls?" Gemma asked me, "They are fine, they cook well now" I replied her while I eat my food.

"Did you met a boy yesterday??" My dad asked me, "Well dad, I met a boy yesterday, he's handsome" I replied my dad, they smiled, "but he's with someone, and it's a girl" I replied to them and I kept eating my food.

"Oh..." My mom said, "It's okay guys" I replied while smiling at them, then I drink my water and go upstairs to take a bath.

I dressed up and I went downstairs, I will go to my restaurant now. "Bye mom, bye dad" I told them while I kissed their cheek, "Bye sis" I told her but she just waved at me.

I went to my yellow Bughatti, I go inside and I started  the  engine, and now I am on my way to my restaurant.

-Louis' POV-

I woke up because someone is calling me in my phone.

(Sir, where are you? We have a meeting today sir.) Cheryl told me.

"Ugh cheryl, I will not attend the meeting!!" I yelled at her.

(Why sir? What's the matter? Tell me sir so that I can tell them) Cheryl asked me.

"I just don't want to!! I know that's not a reason, just make a reason why i'm not gonna attend Cheryl!! Your my secretary!! So you should do that!!" I yelled her again.

(But sir---) Cheryl stopped.

I ended the call then I put my phone on my table.



I got up now. I walked slowly to my bathroom to wash my face and to brush my teeth.

I have a big and luxury house, it has 3 bedrooms with some private bathrooms, but I just live here alone.

I was planning to go to Boobear's Restaurant again, because I think I fell in love with him.

I walked through my dresser to dress up, then I go out to my house and lock the doors. I go to my luxury car then I
go to Boobear's Restaurant to meet him again and to eat breakfast.



I parked at his restaurant, I got out my luxury car then I locked the doors. I go in and someone tell me.....

"Goodmorning Sir!! I am Perrie, and welcome to our restaurant again!! I have seen you before, so I said again!!" Perrie shouted at me and she smiled.

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