Chapter 25: Niall's sick

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-Louis' POV-

"Boobear, wake up, wake up" Harry said.

I slowly opened my eyes, then I saw him, I smiled.

He smiled back, "Goodmorning my little Boobear" He said then he smiled back.

"Goodmorning my Hazza" I replied.

"Get up in there now Boo" He said then he chuckled.

"Sleep" I replied back then I turned around.

"Oh come on Love!" He said then he shaked me gently.

I chuckled, then I sat up, "I'm just kidding Harold" I said then I squeezed his cheeks.

He chuckled, "Good, go to the bathroom now, I'll wait for you" He said.

I nodded then I stood up, I went to the bathroom then I used the toilet then I washed my face.

After that, I went out, "Done!!" I said.

He stood up then he walked toward to me.

He held my hand then we went out, we went first to Liam's room.

When we opened the door, we saw him sleeping.

"Should we wake him up??" I asked Harry quietly.

"Hmm.... He should sleep for a while, he should rest" He replied back then he smiled.

I smiled back, then we closed the door quietly.

We went to Zayn's room, when we opened the door, we saw him sleeping, but we didn't bothered him.

We closed the door quietly again, then we went to Niall's room.

When we opened the door, he's sleeping too, but we can hear some quiet cries.

"Is he crying??" I asked Harry.

We walked towards to him, then we looked at Niall, he's hugging his stuff toy while crying.

"Everything seems normal" Harry replied back.

Niall opened his eyes, "Dwaddy.... Dada" He called us softly.

"NiNi, daddy and dada is here, what's wrong baby??" I asked him then I stroked his hair.

When I stroked his hair, his head were hot.

"Dada...." He called Harry.

"Ni, what's wrong??" He asked Niall then he stroked his hair too.

I think he felt the same thing too, because he moved his hand to Niall's forehead.

"Lou! His forehead is hot!" Harry said.

"I'll get the digital thermometer" I replied back then I went out.

I went to my and Harry's room, then I'm finding the thermometer.

Once I got it, I went back to them, I handed the thermometer to Harry.

He placed the thermometer to Niall's armpit, then we waited for the result.

When I take out the thermometer, I saw the result, it's so high.

"Hazza!! Niall's sick!!" I said to Harry.

"Not just a sick, he got a fever" He replied back.

"Dwaddy Dada??" Zayn called us.

We turned around then we saw the twins, standing in the door.

"Niall's sick??" Liam asked us.

"Yes Li" I replied back.

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