Chapter 32: Respect

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-Harry's POV-

I'm now done to prepare our breakfast, I woke up so early but I didn't woke Louis yet.

Today is the day, me and my family will go to Ziam's school, I'm so ready for this.

I went up, I went to my and Louis' bedroom, I slowly opened the door then I saw Louis still sleeping.

I smiled on that, I walked towards to him, I sat to the bed then I shaked him gently.

"Wake up my Boobear" I said softly.

"Still sleepy, Daddy" He replied back then he turned around, and now, he's facing me.

"C'mon Boo, wakey wakey" I said again.

I got no response, I laid next to him, then I pulled him for a hug.

"Love to sleep yeah?" I asked.

"Yes, Daddy" He replied back while his eyes were closed.

"We need to get up now, and you should be ready for later" I said.

"What's up later?" He asked.

"Remember? We'll go to Ziam's school to stop the bullies" I replied.

He slowly opened his eyes, he slowly smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Are you ready Haz?" He asked me.

"Always ready" I replied.

He kissed me in the lips, I kissed back Then we smiled to each other.

"Did you already used the bathroom?" He asked.

"Obviously, yes"

"Okay, I'll be back, wait for me in here" He replied, he stood up then he went to the bathroom.

I waited for him, I closed my eyes for a while, because I'm still sleepy.

"Hazza, babe, you should not fall asleep again" Louis said then he shaked me.

I quickly opened my eyes, "N-no, I didn't fell asleep" I stuttered a bit.

"Just a bit?"

I nodded, "Let's go now" He said then he pulled my arm.

We went out then we went to Liam's room, who's sitting in the bean bag.

"Good morning Dada and Daddy" He said then he smiled.

"Good morning Li" We replied back.

"Glad you're okay" I said.

"Not that much Dada, because later you and Daddy will go to our school" He replied.

"Isn't that great? Your bully will stop bullying you and Zayn" Louis asked.

"I know that's good Daddy, but I don't know Ken that much" He replied.

"You'll be brave enough LiLi" I said, "Let's wake up Zayn now"

He nodded, he walked towards to us, we went out then we went to Zayn's room.

When I opened the door, we saw him still sleeping, he never changed.

Liam walked towards to him, "Zee Zee, wakey wakey" He said then he shaked Zayn gently.

Zayn opened his eyes, "Dwon't wanna gwo" He replied.

"Zaynie! Ken will stop us when Daddy and Dada go to our school...." He said "Later"

"What if hwe'll nwot stwop?" Zayn asked.

"Don't say that" Liam replied.

Zayn looked at us, "Gwood mowning Dwaddy and Dada" He said then he smiled slightly.

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