Chapter 33: You and I

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~~~Few days later~~~

-Louis' POV-

I quickly opened my eyes, "Hooray it's saturday!!" I said on my mind then I stretched.

I turned around then I saw my husband still sleeping.

"Kiss him or nah?" I asked myself.

"Come on Louis! It's your daddy! You should kiss him!" I replied on my mind.

Good choice! I slowly leaned to him then pressed my lips to his softly.

I slowly pulled out then blushed a bit, I turned around to giggle.

Meanwhile, I felt some warm arms in my body, I gasped a bit.

"H-Harry?" I stuttered.

"Hm?" He asked softly.

"Good morning love" I replied then I turned around to him.

"Still sleepy yeah?" I asked then I squeezed his cheeks.

He nodded, "Cuddle with me, princess"

I followed him, I quickly wrapped my arms to his tightly.

"Love you so much, Daddy" I said.

"Love you so much too Princess" He replied then he kissed my hair.

"Can we stand up now?" I asked.

"You should go first for a while, M'still sleepy, Lou" He replied.

"Okiedokie, just wake up if you want to" I said then I pecked his lips.

I sat up, I gave him my pillows so he can hug it, I stood up then I went to the bathroom.

Few moments later, I went out from the bathroom, then Harry distracted me.

His sleeping position is so cute, I wanna cuddle him so bad!

I slowly walked towards to him then cuddled him tightly.

"Lou!" He groaned.

"Wanna cuddle you badly Haz!" I said while my arms were wrapped to his.

"Feels like I'm going to die without you!" I said.

He opened his eyes, Then he looked at me.

"I can't live without you too, Lou" He replied.

I blushed, "Hazza! Get up now" I said.

"How Lou? Your arms are still with me" He replied then he chuckled.

"You can stand up, babe, I know you can" I said then I smiled cutely.

He stood up with me, "Told ya" I said.

We walked towards to the bathroom, then he stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"I'll use the toilet, Lou" He replied.


"What? C'mon babe, It's kinda embarrassing" He said.

"Please, Daddy?" I asked with my kid voice.

He sighed, "I know we've done this before, just close your eyes alright?" he asked.

I nodded, we went in then he started to do what he need to do.

"You closed your eyes?" He asked while he pulled up his shorts.

"Yep" I replied while my eyes are shut.

"You can open it if you want to, I'll just wash my face" He said.

I nodded, my eyes are still shut then I heard some water running, obviously, Harry's using it.

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