Chapter 21: Rock me

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-Louis' POV-

I opened my eyes slowly, I saw Harry sleeping, I stood up quietly, then I went to the bathroom.

I used the toilet then I washed my face, when I'm fixing my fringe, I heard a loud cry.

I gasped, I went out, then I went to Niall's room, I know that this is Niall.

I saw him standing in his crib, crying so hard, "Daddwy!!" He screamed.

I picked him up, I bounced him in my arms, "Shh shh shh, daddy is here, daddy is here" I said then I bounced him again.

"Babe?? What happened??" Harry asked me so concern.

I gasped, "Haz! Don't scare me like that! But I think Niall have his trauma again" I replied back.

Niall screamed again, he cried harder and harder, "Babe, shh shh shh, please stop crying now" I said to Niall.

"Dada, dwaddy, w-why dwid ywu lweave mwe in hwere??" he asked me.

"NiNi, we didn't leave you, this is your bedroom" Harry said then he walked towards to us.

"W-what is a bedwoom??" He asked us.

"It's a room for sleeping in Ni" I replied back then I smiled.

For now, his cry is getting down, "We'll not leave you, we promise that" Harry said then he smiled.

"Pwomise Dada?? Pwomise Dwaddy??" He asked us again.

"We promise NiNi" We both replied back.

He laid his head to my shoulder, "Haz, will you cook our breakfast?? I'll wake up Liam and Zayn" I asked him then I smiled.

"Sure Babe" He replied back then he smiled back too.

We went out to Niall's room, Harry went down then I went to Liam's room.

I didn't see Liam sleeping, he's sitting in his bean bag, "Dwaddy!!" He called me.

"Li, why aren't you asleep??" I asked him then I walked towards to him with Niall in my arms.

"I heawd a lwoud cwy" He replied back.

"Sorry for that Li, Niall cried because he's scared" I replied back.

"Why Dwaddy?? Why hwe scawed??" He asked me.

"Because when you enter a new family, you'll be scared, because it will change your life and yourself a lot, and Niall should be prepared for that" I replied back.

"Oh otay, he will bwe pwepawed Dwaddy" He replied back then he smiled.

I smiled back, "Let's wake up Zayn yeah??" I asked him.

He nodded, then he held my hand, we went in to Zayn's room, Zayn's still asleep.

He ran, then he jumped to Zayn, "Zaynie!! Wake up!! Wake up!!" He said out loud to Zayn.

Zayn turned around, "Oh cwome on!! Wake up Zaynie!!" Liam said out loud.

"I'm stwill asleep Li!!" Zayn replied back while his eyes were closed.

"We nweed to eat ouw bweakfwast!!" Liam replied back too.

He opened his eyes, he looked at me, then he looked at Liam, "Fwine!! Gwood mowning Li!!" He said then he opened his arms.

Liam hugged him, Zayn hugged him too, "Gwood mowning Zaynie!!" Liam said while they're hugging.

I smiled, they're so cute and adorable, I didn't know that Niall saw that, so he wrapped his little arms to my neck.

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