Chapter 34: "How?"

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-Harry's POV-

I looked at my husband when he turned around, I woke up so early for no reason.

I'm using my phone right now, I think this is the only way to not be bored.

"Babe?" Louis asked softly.

"Yes Lou lou?"

"You woke up so early again huh?" He asked.

"Yep, I don't know why" I replied.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Cuddle, please" He asked then he made a puppy eyes.

I chuckled at that, I laid down again then pulled him for a hug.

He giggled cutely, my heart melt at that.

"Why so cute, Boobear?" I asked.

"Am I?"

"Yes, darling, you're so cute at all the time" I respond.

He blushed a bit, he hid his face to my chest then he smiled.

"Someone's shy?" I teased.

He chuckled, he hugged me tighter in search of warmth.

"Still lazy, Daddy" He said.

"M'know, babe" I replied.

"Daddy! Dada!!" Liam shouted as they came in then jumped to our bed.

We gasped, "Babies!" Louis said then he sat up to put Niall to his lap.

"You woke up so early to yeah?" I asked.

"Ywes Dada" Zayn replied.

"Mkay, loves go down now, Daddy will just use the bathroom, and I'll be the chef this day" Louis said then he smiled.

While he's saying that, I'm smiling at him, but I heard what he said, I kissed his cheek quickly then I picked up Niall.

Me and our children went down, we went to the living room first then I opened the TV for them.

"Want me to change the channel to the uhm... Music channel?" Liam asked.

"Jwust gwo!" Zayn replied.

"Indweed" Niall also replied.

Liam quickly changed the channel, then a song played in.

Louis went down then he went to the kitchen already.

"Dada, how many songs did you and Daddy composed?" Liam asked.

"Many...many songs, Li" I replied, smiling.

He nodded then he looked back at the TV.

"Thwat's you and Dwaddy's song, Dada, wight?" Niall asked.

"Yep, you're right, NiNi" I respond.

"Yweyy!!" He said happily while clapping his hands.

I chuckled at that, Niall and my husband are so cute, but Louis is the cutest.

"Breakfast's ready!!" Louis shouted.

I carried Niall, we all went to the dining area then I put Niall to his baby chair.

"Smells good, babe" I said to Louis then I smiled.

"Thank you, Harold" He replied then he smiled back.

We all started to eat, it's so delicious and.....perfect!

~~~~1 hour later~~~~

We're now already done to eat, Louis is now washing the dishes while me and our children are in the living room.

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