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YuJin's P.O.V


I winced in pain as I hit my head on the shelf above me.

The stupid alarm had woken me up, but I was startled to realise I wasn't even in my bed.

Instead, I was hunched over my desk, practically drooling on the huge tower of textbooks. Shit. Not again!

It didn't take me long to realise that I had fallen asleep while studying and as I glanced at my alarm clock I realised I was late. Like, really late.

I jumped up & struggled into my school uniform. I wasn't exactly an ideal skinny girl, I tried my best to hide my curves because I thought it made me look ugly and fat.

I tamed my hair just enough and grabbed my bag before dashing out of the house.


I ran back after realising I had forgotten something important, I forgot his homework and after I grabbed it from my room I ran back out, my backpack flailing around. I probably look like a lunatic right now but I couldn't care less.

I can't be late. That kind of stuff goes on your record.

Normally at a time like this I would've called Mark. You know, if it was 2 years ago and we hadn't distanced because of his new group of friends. We still talk of course but it's not like how we used to be.

We were close since we were babies because our parents were the best of friends, I grew up with him by my side but since JB and the other boys moved into town he distanced himself from me.

It's not too bad I guess, I still have SuMi even though all she ever talks about is makeup and boys which can get frustrating sometimes, she's still a good friend to me.

I shrug off all these thoughts and run into the school building.

The hallways are all empty as there's no one in sight, they must all be in class. Which is actually rather surprising because what with our school I would've thought there would be a couple of stoned kids making out in the corner.

I stood in front of the classroom and squeezed my eyes shut then took a deep breath before turning the handle and walking in nervously.

I chewed on my bottom lip, I can't help it when I'm nervous.

"Lee YuJin?!" My teacher exclaims with a shock. I had never been late before, I was a golden child.
"I'm sorry teacher, I promise it won't happen again" I say politely before bowing, earning few snickers from some girls.

"Hmm, I'll let it skip just this once since you are a good student, however it better not happen again ! You may take your seat." She informs me before I thank her and bow once again avoiding everyone's stares as I walk to my seat beside Mark at the back.

This was one of the the only times I would get to have a conversation with him.

I banged my head softly on the table in embarrassment but not loud enough for anyone to notice.

"Yah, relax, it's one late, you're overreacting pabo" he says before softly flicking my head and laughing
I soon smiled, I missed this, this was how he used to treat me, like his little sister.

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