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YuJin's P.O.V

"It's a beautiful sky."

I hummed in response, sipping on my carton of strawberry milk contently. We were currently sat on a bench in the corner of the grassy school field.

Well, I was sat, Jaebum was lying down, his head on my lap.

& boy did he look adorable.

I run my hands through his hair, carefully observing each detail on his beautifully sculpted face.

I had grown especially fond of his two little moles, repeatedly rubbing the spots they were in whenever I could get the chance.

& of course the very first things that captivated me, those eyes. So strikingly dark and mesmerising, I had never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them.

I'm amazed that I get to call this gorgeous human being my boyfriend.

I gave him a quick peck on the forehead which takes him by surprise but I just smile widely at him.

I accidentally drop my straw on the floor and huff, resorting to opening the carton & drinking it from there.

All of a sudden, I hear Jaebum snort. I looked down at him with furrowed eyebrows and he seems to be suppressing his laughter.

"You have a milk moustache." He says, stifling his laughter. I widen my eyes and reach out with the sleeves of my arm to wipe it off.

"Not before I get a picture!" Jaebum holds onto my arm and I struggle in his grip.

"Yah Im Jaebum!" I yell, pushing him off and running away.

I look behind me, Jaebum was still struggling to get up.

I continue to run, laughing, I look behind me thinking I have the upper hand, only to see Jaebum right behind me.

He wraps his arms around my waist before we both stumble and fall beside each other on the grass.

All of a sudden, I hear the sound of an unfamiliar laughter.

It was an addicting laughter, the kind that made you want to automatically laugh along. A sound that made you reminisce of all things happy.

In awe, I turned to my left to see Jaebum laughing. His chest rising up and down in between breaths, his eyes like crescents as his cheeks crinkled up.

It was low yet angelic, as though emitting from his very soul. Comforting is the word. Comforting in a way where it felt like home; warm and comfortable.

He stopped when he realised I was gazing at him in awe.

"You laughed." I breathed, slightly lost for words. "You should laugh more often, I like seeing you like this." I said as his warm smile began to reappear on his face again.

I snuggled up to his chest as he draped his large arm around my small frame.

"I promise to laugh more, just for you." He said sweetly before kissing the top of my head.

I closed my eyes, feeling the grass beneath me, the warm sun against my cheek and the comforting sound of Jaebum's heart beating against his chest.


"Hey can we talk to you?"

I was packing up my stuff after the last bell had rung for the day, I look up to see the boys standing at the door frame of the classroom, all except Jaebum.

"Sure." I reply, slightly confused as I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

I stand before the six of them with a puzzled look plastered across my face. What's going on? Are they going to tell me to stop dating Jaebum?

alright yujin stop jumping to conclusions.

"We just wanted to say, thank you." Jinyoung said with a smile which took me by surprise. Thank you for what?

"In all our years we've known Jaebum, we've never seen him smile let alone laugh like he did today." The usually bubbly energetic Jackson said solemnly with a heartfelt smile.

so they saw that.

"He's never been this happy, but now we get to see this side of him & it's all thanks to you. Thank you so much Noona." Yugyeom commented sheepishly.

A warm smile flickered onto my face, "Jaebum is very fond of you all, he sees you as his brothers. & though he's had a difficult time showing it during the time he's known you all, he really does love all of you with all his heart."

I look around at all of them who had the most heartwarming smiles on their faces. Well, Mark's smile seemed a little sadder until it disappeared all together. Hm, strange.


"Yah, Tuannie!"

I yell as I spot Mark, running up behind him and jumping onto his back excitedly.

He hummed lowly in response.

Frowning, I turned to look at his face. He seemed angry but also on the verge of tears. I'd never seen him like this & it was scaring me.

"Yah, what's wrong?" I ask with concern, "Are you sick?" I ask, placing the back of my hand on his head to check his temperature.

Abruptly, he slapped my hand away.

"Just get lost." he warned before walking away, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

ok what the actual fuck?

I then spend the entire day stressing out, wondering what on earth it was that I could've done to make him so upset and angry.

I couldn't stop worrying about him, endless calls and texts though he wouldn't answer or reply.

Maybe it's not me, maybe something else had pissed him off and he was just indirectly venting at me. Right?

No, that couldn't be it no matter how much I wanted it to be. His words were laced with so much pain and anger its hard to believe it wasn't aimed at me.

Once again, the three simple yet so hurtful words resonated in my head,

"Just get lost."

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