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YuJin's P.O.V

After tossing & turning all night, I had come to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to sleep. The image of Jaebum's eyes staring into my own, and his lips almost meeting mine as rain trickled down his face wouldn't leave my mind no matter how much I attempted to kick it out.

I sat up with a frustrated huff and got off my bed, sliding on my fluffy panda slippers and making my way to the kitchen for some water.

He looked surreal, looking down at my small frame with his crescent eyes, holding a rich darkness in them, as though I was staring at an endless stretch of midnight sky as his eyelashes beautifully capture raindrops before they bounce right back off and trail down his carved face, tracing his chiselled jawline and dampening his pillow pink lips.

I was so lost in a daydream that I didn't realise water was overflowing from the jug I was pouring it out of till I felt it on my feet as it trickled down onto the tiled floor. I jumped back, slightly startled.

What is this boy doing to me?

Jaebum's P.O.V

I turned to my right and glanced at the clock.


& I still wasn't able to sleep. She's driving me crazy, I have never felt like this. I don't know how to describe this feeling, or if it even has a name.

I want to hold her and protect her from the world, she bothers me so much when she's stubbornly getting herself into trouble yet I'm not able to leave her like I normally would out of fear of her getting hurt.

Why do I care about her? Why does my stomach do backflips, my heart beat erratically and my breath get taken away whenever I see her.

Her & her strikingly gorgeous smile; emitting a warm glow of happiness and lighting up her eyes as they glistened with life. The soft latte orbs melting whenever I delved into them, a ring of gold hanging inside her iris, adding another layer of depth to her already breathtaking eyes.

& not to mention the way she'd shyly tuck her dark cinnamon locks behind her ear, though stray wisps of hair would always escape - softly caressing her small, angelic face.

& the way she chews her bottom lip out of habit and nervousness is a sin. They were a soft pink that reminded me of a rose bud, my urge to feel them against my own only growing every second - sending me into a state of intoxication.

The way she laughs, the way her voice sounds like music to my ears, the way a rosy shade of pink dusts her cheeks when she's embarrassed. Everything about her is driving me over the edge & I can't get a grip.

So for the first time I admit to myself, I like Lee YuJin, I really fucking like Lee YuJin.

As my mind continues to race at the thoughts of the girl that has been invading my mind and my heart lately, I glance at the clock once more.



YuJin's P.O.V


I clasp my hands over SuMi's big ass mouth and look around as people suspiciously glare at us for a second before resuming their conversations.

"Great. I'm pretty sure China heard that!" I say, sarcasm oozing from my voice as she bites her tongue and whispers a quiet sorry.

I had informed her of the events of the last couple of days, including how I feel about Jaebum and she was over the moon.

"JaeJin!" She whisper yelled causing me to face palm.

"Never gonna happen SuMi, there's no way he'll ever like someone like me." I state as a matter of factly.

I felt her yank my shoulders so I was facing her and look fiercely into my eyes whilst grabbing my cheeks.

"Never say that again, you're not just some girl you're Lee YuJin and I can say proudly that my best friend is one of a kind, any guy who has the pleasure of being with you is the luckiest guy on the planet, never ever doubt yourself young lady."

I smile at her scolding me, my face squished up due to her cupping my cheeks lovingly.

"I love you." I say after she let's go as I swing my arms around her shoulder,

"I love you too." She grins at me.


I make my way home down the familiar path. I had done a pretty good job at avoiding Jaebum today, which was good as it meant I had a lower risk of embarrassing myself.

I pass by the familiar alleyway though I stop in my tracks, as a familiar pungent smell burns my nose and wraps around my lungs, making it harder to breathe as my mind triggers the memories.

I splutter at the foul smoke, coughing repeatedly as it continues to suffocate me.

I walk up to the alleyway to see who was holding the weapon ; only to see Jaebum holding a cigarette causing my breath to hitch.

The sound of a flatline fills my ears, droning quietly. I run up to Jaebum, still dazed, and smack the cigarette out of his hand, stepping on it with all my might.

Then I did what I never thought I'd do for as long as I lived.

I hugged Jaebum.

The world around me seemed to melt away as my arms were wrapped around him and my head was on his chest. I had never felt so safe - so protected. Yet it seemed that if I let him go, I'd lose him forever.

The sound of the flatline seemed to grow louder and louder by the second, completely emerging me in the memories I didn't want to reminisce.

"Please don't go. Please don't leave me."

Jaebum's P.O.V

I never wanted the moment to end.

Her small arms were wrapped around my large torso, I felt her soft skin and the gentle squeeze on my own.

It felt so right. Like she belonged right here, in my arms, and I could protect her from anything that'd hurt her.

"Please don't go. Please don't leave me."

What is she talking about?

I looked down only to see that she began to slightly shake.

"Why did you do this? I told you to stop." Her shaking increases immensely and she began to break out into cold sweat.

"YuJin?" Panic was rising in my voice. "Yah! Lee YuJin!" The concern in my voice was evident.

As I felt her grip completely loosen and her arms fall by her side whilst her eyes closed, I didn't hesitate to pick her up bridal style and rush to my house.

I looked down at the girl in my arms, the worry in me increasing.

You really will be the death of me Lee YuJin.

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