Let's Discuss D3

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1: Is Hades Mal's Dad?
   My answer is honestly no. I feel like that though the evidence we have been given points to this idea being true, it isn't. I mean, why would Disney give out such a big piece of information connected with the movie? I feel that the trailer was made to suggest this theory but the truth is still hidden from view.
     To be honest, I feel like we will get more information on who Mal's dad is but we won't exactly meet him. I feel that the whole dad thing is a ploy to get Mal to lower her guard and trick her into doing something that will result in a disaster.

2: Why Dr. Facilier and Hades?

     As we know Dr. Facilier has friends on the other side. Who are these friends? Shadow demons. And who rules over things like shadow demons? That's right, Hades. At the end of the Princess and the Frog, Dr. Facilier gets sucked into a portal by his friends on the other side. But where did he end up? My bet is in the underworld with Hades. That is, until Fairy Godmother revived the deceased villians and imprisoned them on the isle under King Adam's command. I believe that Dr. Facilier still owes Hades for his failure and that is why he will end up working with Hades in the movie.

3: Evil Audrey?

    I'm sure we have all seen the photos of Audrey with pink hair, isle style clothing, and Malificent's ceptor floating around the internet. I believe that similar to when the core 4 came to Auradon the new VK's Dizzy, Celia, Squeaky, and Squirmy will also feel the pressure to help their parents escape the isle. However, I believe the most pressure will be put on Celia, the daughter of Dr. Facilier. I believe she will either be pressured by her father to help him wreak havoc in Auradon or Celia will go to Auradon with good intentions but when she sees Audrey upset and decides to use her new found powers to help, things go terribly wrong. What if Audrey's jealousness over Mal causes her to ask Celia to make her more like Mal or more popular than Mal so that she will be on top again? Dr. Facilier's famous words are "You got what you wanted, but you lost what you had." So what if Celia helps Audrey but the goodness (no matter how much is actually inside her) gets replaced with evil and she loses the good part of herself in order to gain the power and recognition she craves. Thus creating Evil Audrey.

4: Uma and Harry in Auradon? And where's Gil?

      At the very end of the movie after Uma tells us "You didn't think this was the end of the story did you?" We see her turn around and disappear under the water facing the isle of the lost. I believe Uma it is possible that Uma could have used her mother's necklace to sneak back onto the isle or will sneak back on to the isle once the newest VK's head to Auradon. I believe that this new threat against Auradon will have Mal and her friends seeking help from old acquaintances, Uma, Harry, and Gil. I believe that the quest they go on to save Auradon and whatever words are said that get them all working together will ultimately mend the friendship between Uma and Mal. So far the photos we have seen showing Harry, Uma, Mal, and Evie have not shown Gil. My thought is either he is helping Carlos, and Jay or they left him behind because as sweet as he is he can be a bit daft. But we can admit that it is what makes him adorable and loveable character.

5: How will it end?

   I believe our beloved series will end with Auradonians and Isle folk alike realizing that they are stronger together and that Ben will have proven himself a worthy King in the eyes of the isle. I don't think that the original villians will be released but I do believe that more VK's will be willing to go to Auradon.

6: Under the Sea: A Descendant's Story

      First of all. Vegetation does not grow on the isle, therefore we can conclude that Mal is not on the isle. Second of all what the heck is up with Dizzy and why does she have Uma's necklace?
    Even though that clip was short. If Uma was trying to pretend to be Dizzy I don't understand why she would give up her charade so quickly. Secondly, the necklace appears to hurt Dizzy in some way when it begins to glow and she gets that evil grin on her face. I believe that the necklace is being used to control Dizzy and not that Uma is masquerading as her.
     Also, the events in this trailer seem 5o occur after the events in the D3 trailer. So if this story is a lead up to the movie, this means the D3 trailer was either a flashback to the past or a reoccurrance of a past event. Like she is revisiting this place.

Well this is all I have I hope you enjoy reading my ideas and theories. Feel free to share your own thoughts and Stay Rotten to the Core.

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