D3 T-Shirt Designs

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So I linked the video at the top because there are some extra pictures and stuff included but they were pretty much all stuff we had seen before or that I have already posted. What I really want to show is the T-shirt designs. Two in particular caught my attention.

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Now, the two that caught my interest

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Now, the two that caught my interest.

Mal and Hades together, surrounded by wispy blue flames

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Mal and Hades together, surrounded by wispy blue flames. I'm starting to get the vibe that he is her father.


'It all started with a spell' hmmm? Looks like Audrey was turned evil

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'It all started with a spell' hmmm? Looks like Audrey was turned evil. The question is was it by a cursed staff, or more likely, the Shadow Man out for revenge? I'm betting on the Shadow Man. 🎶He's got friends on the other side🎶


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