Putting Together the Pieces

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1. How much info do we have about D3?

Honestly, not much. We have the outfits, we have some pictures of sets, dances, and a scene or two but that's basicly it. The teaser we got of Mal walking through the woods was a sneak peak of  Under the Sea, which in turn is a sneak peak of the upcoming fourth novel, Escape the Isle of the Lost.  We literally have no trailer for D3.

2. How are Under the Sea (UTS) and Escape the Isle of the Lost related (ETIL)?

In the description of the book it states that the VK's are going to take a trip to the Isle to recruit new kids to come to Auradon. This would explain why Mal is on the Isle in UTS.

However, it states that Uma, trapped on the opposite side of the barrier, is more desperate than ever to seek her revenge. It also states that she discovers the hideout of Hades, the god of the underworld and realizes shes found the perfect partner in crime. This connects the events with Uma's necklace and Dizzy to the glowing orb in the woods.

3. Things I've noticed.

Mal and Uma's Locations

In UTS, Mal appears to be on the bridge that leads to Uma's ship, the same bridge she knocked down in D2 that lead to the pipe. However, Uma appears to be on a ship covered in water, like the cotillion ship from D2.

I feel like this could have an important meaning. What if it is referring to their locations in ETIL? It says the gang is going to the Isle and it meantioned that Uma is stuck on the opposite side. We also have no confirmation that Uma returned to the Isle.

What if while the gang is on the Isle, Uma is in Auradon plotting revenge? Now I know what your thinking, but Hades is on the Isle, he's a villian so she has to be on the Isle to meet him. Maybe not. It says Hades has an Underground lair. What if because he's the god of the Underworld, they trapped him there and he can only come to the surface on the Isle, but can roam anywhere within the underworld? If Uma is in Auradon, this means just like the mine in Return to the Isle of the Lost, there could be other secrets tunnels in Auradon.

Uma could have found an entrance to his lair in Auradon, the only difference being she can come and go and Hades is trapped. We know Uma has some powerful magic. What if she frees Hades in return for his help in defeating Mal?

Will Hades really help Uma?

There is no concrete answer to this question but I have to theories.

1. Hades does team up with Uma, but when he realizes they are going after his daughter (if Mal is his daughter), he turns on Uma and refuses to go with her plan.

2. Hades only uses Uma to become free, never intending on joining her. The description of the book says: "Uma realizes she's found the perfect partner in crime."  However, this seems more like Uma's thoughts rather than an actual fact saying they are going to team up. Until I see something from Hades view. It's up to speculation.

From the few D3 images we have, we know that Uma and Mal appear to have reconciled and Hades appears with the former King and Queen at the end of the movie showing that most likely, he is not going to be a threat or be "the danger that is coming for Auradon." At least, in D3.

Author's Note

Well friends, thank you for listening to my ideas. Please feel free to share your own, I would love to discuss this with others. I've just been reviewing everything we know and noticed all these little details I want to share. Good Night!

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