My Parents' Reaction to D3

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Hey guys so I was rewatching D3 last night because I my TV can record shows and my parents watched the first half with me (They had to go to bed).

Some of their reactions were really funny so I decided to give you a summarized play by play of what that looked like. So enjoy and I hope you find it as amusing as I do.

Mal starts talking during the intro.

Dad: Well this is gonna be a stupid movie. Where's the girl talking?

Me: Dad this is how the movies always start, now shush.

Good to be Bad starts playing

Mom: Didn't one of these guys die?

Me: Yes, Cameron Boyce. He plays Carlos, the boy with the white hair.

Dad: He did die? Who's kid is he supposed to be anyway?

Mom: He's Cruella DeVil's son. Even I know that.

Dad: Whatever you old bat. (My father calls my mother this frequently to playfully irritate her)

Mom: *slaps dad's arm with a smile on her face* Love you too honey.

Me and My Sister: SSSHHH!

Mal and the VK's announce who will be going to Auradon.

Mom: Who's Lady Tremaine?

Me: Cinderella's step mother.

Mom: Oh she has a name?

My sister: Yes mom, she has a name. She's Dizzy's grandma but Drizella is her mom.

Mom: Drizella?

Me: Cinderella's step sister.

Mom: Oh. And why is Smee on the Isle? He's not a villian.

Me: He's Captain Hook's Side kick so he got banished too.

My Sister: Look, Mal is Maleficent's daughter, Evie is Evil Queen's daughter, Jay is Jafar's son, Carlos is Cruella's son, Dizzy is Drizella's daughter, Squeaky and Quirmy are Smee's sons and Celia is Dr. Facilier's daughter. Got it?

Dad: Who's Dr. Facilier?

My sister: *groaning* the villian from the princess in the frog. You know, *sings* 'I got friends on the other side'.

Dad: OOOOOh the creepy voodoo guy.

Me: *face palms* yes dad, the creepy Voodoo guy. Now can we keep watching?

Dad: Wait, but wheres the pirates? I wanna see the pirate guys you always talk about.

Me: They're coming, just keep watching.

Ben starts singing to propose to Mal.

Dad: Oh no he's singing, why is he singing?

Me: Just watch.

Ben proposes.

Dad: No!

Audrey yells no!

Dad: Well she's gonna turn evil now.

Me: Dad!

Audrey starts taunting Mal.

Mom: Who's daughter is she?

Me: Sleeping Beauty.

Dad: So the good guy goes bad?

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