Escape From the Isle of the Lost Review

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The book is FINALLY out guys and I have read it! This section is going to highlight my thoughts on the book such as: what I found funny, things I learned/inferred from the book, and my theories on what will happen in D3 based on hints in the book.

🚫If you DO NOT want spoilers, leave this section now. 🚫

If you do, enjoy! 😉😊

What I Found Funny:

-The Evil Queen and her friends play Apples to Apples

-Uma calls out to Gil and he picks up a sea shell and puts it to his ear

-Gaston is the Dragon Hall Coach, I thought he would teach Vainness with Gothel lol

-The Kings and Queens of Airadon helped the Seniors set up their Senior Quest behind Fairy Godmother's back. Who knew they could be sneaky?

-Hades builds a giant ladder and tries to escape, only to fall and make a Hades- shaped crater in the ground

What I Learned:

-Jay, as aloof as he pretends to be, is worried about what he will do in the future. He ends up choosing Sherwood Forest University, while Lonnie is going Pro, joining Northern Wei's Pro R.O.A.R. team alongside her brother.

-Though they don't appear to be dating, Lonnie and Jay have gotten closer and agree to visit each other even though they are following separate paths. Awww.

-Doug has an older, buffer brother who plays R.O.A.R. named Derek and Audrey has a cousin named Ariana who is just as stuck up, if not more so (if that's possible), than she is. She is also jealous of Audrey.

-Celia and Dizzy are friends!

-Harriet Hook baby sits the Smees and gets them their applications! Awww (again)

-Celia is not evil! A trickster and a con artist, but not evil.

-Uma is a ticking time bomb. She is mad. In the end, I think she's still on the Isle cause Flotsum and Jetsum rescue her but she can't get back to Hades.

-We still do not get confirmation that Hades is Mal's father. However, Uma meantions that while she is luring Mal into her trap and talking to Hades, she notices a change in his voice that she can't place. Maybe remorse for plotting against his own daughter and putting her in harm's way?

-Dr. Facilier bargains with Mal and the others to get Celia to Auradon.

-Carlos and Jane are a year younger than the others. I know some of you are going to say, 'We already knew that!' and 'How did you not know!?' Well, sometimes cannon and fanfiction get muddled in my brain and I forget what is nonfictionally real and what's fanfictionly created. So yeah, I learned this.

- Lastly, is this quote Mrs. De La Cruz left us. "In fact, he had just missed the fork that lead into the Endless Catacombs of Doom, which would be discovered and explored by a crew of young villians one day. But that's another story.) Hades almost discovered the Catacombs from Return to the Isle of the Lost, and most likely opened the door for Madam Mim and the other villians to enter them.

Theories for D3:

-Celia uses her own magic to seal the underground cracks. She could have told everyone about the magic, she could have used it to escape, instead she conjures her shadow and seals the cracks, sealing off the magic. Celia states: Imagine what I could do with real magic at my finger tips! Imagine in deed. I theorized previously that Celia's shadow cards may play a role in D3. Maybe Celia decides to take her tarot card readings to a new level, a level that leads an angry princess to steal a crown and sceptor.

-Doug helps Evie buy a little cottage in the woods. Maybe the cottage we've seen in D3? Or possible at least the one where Jane's party is held? There also seems to be some teasing about this towards Doug. Maybe Mal and Ben won't be the only ones getting engaged. 😏 Celia also predicted great change in Evie's future, maybe the engagement, or maybe a strained friendship?

Bottom Line:

So overall this was another great book. Sadly, it doesn't give us much of an idea of what is to come. Audrey is barely even in it and Chad's love for himself ends up winning him the Senior Quest.

For now, Hades has isolated himself and Uma is wallowing in her anger. They may start out with evil intentions, but the true evil still lurks.

Enjoy guys! Vote and Comment! -Meloetta246

P.S. The gods, meantion of nectar, and funny chapter titles gave me serious Percy Jackson vibes lol!

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