D3 Thoughts So Far

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Wow guys so I just watched D3 and it was amazing. I felt like it was very fast paced and a little rushed but they hit the key points of the story.

For now I'll say that I loved how everybody came together, I'm happy Dude still talks, and I'm still laughing over the 'Bromance' between Gil and Jay throughout this whole thing.

I wish that Harry and Uma would have officially gotten together but I loved all the little moments between them.

And Chad, he's still the same. Not alot of there, there.

I also liked the development on forgiveness between Queen Leah and Mal. It's about time and Audrey finally got some sense scared into her.

And lastly, the Jarlos was so adorable and the fact that they included the ship name in the movie by putting it on the necklace was so cute.

Lastly, I loved getting to see Lady Tremaine, Smee, and Dr. Facilier. Unlike the VK's parents they actually seem decent. I'd like to know where Drizella was though. 🤔

Anyway, Hades seems like a decent dad too. Despite leaving Mal at a young age. Despite that, I feel like he kept tabs on her and always knew what was going on. Especially since Celia said he always asked about her.

So I know this isnt the most detailed review but I'm still processing everything, so as more comes to mind I will update.

The tribute to Cameron Boyce was very sweet and I'm glad to see he will always be remembered: by his family, friends, Disney, and us, his fans. Good night everyone!

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