Chapter 2

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Tina's P.O.V.

Me and Len were walking home. He knows everything that happened. And hasn't said anything about it.

"Please don't tell dad and papa, about me and Chole." I said.

"Okay." He said as he nodded his head. We continued to walk down the side walk to our house. We didn't say anything else to each other on the way there. We walked inside and put our shoes next to the door.

"We're home." Len said as we were walking in the door. I didn't want to say anything.

"Welcome back guys!" Papa said as he poked his head out from the kitchen. You would know papa, as Kaneki. I didn't say anything as I walked pasted him, with my school bag dragging behind me. I went to mine and Len's room. I closed the door behind me and went to my bed. I curled on the bed and held one of my pillows against my chest. I lightly cried into it.

After a little bit I heard the bedroom door open. And felt a weight sit on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong, sweet heart?" Papa said as he rubbed my shoulder. He's being gentle with me. I stopped crying enough to talk.

"A bad day."

"What happened to make it a bad day?"

"My crush didn't like me back."

He let out a sigh before saying,"Boys are jerks." I wanted to tell him it was a girl. But I didn't want him to know ether.

"Aren't you and dad boys?" I said after I picked my head out of the pillow.

"Well, I didn't talk to your dad after I got surgery. I didn't pick up his calls or even respond to his texts. And we started talking a little less, but he still told me his feelings after I did that."

"You mean when you become a ghoul?" Yes, I know he's a ghoul. I don't care he's my papa.

"Yeah..." He said before I put my face back in my pillow. "Come on get your pretty face out of the pillow." I shock my head. "Are we already starting the teenager drama? I'm not old enough for that. Get out of bed before the tickle monster gets you." He's teasing me now. In a joking way, trying to make me feel better.

"I'm to old for the tickle monster."

"That's what they all say!" He said before attacking my stomach with tickles. I laughed, so hard. He knows my weak spot.

"C-can't breathe!" I said after a few minutes of laughter. He stopped and let me breathe. I was panting and had smile on my face.

"There's that beautiful smile." He said as he pinched my cheek. "Come here." He said before sitting me on his lap. He leaned his back against the wall that was next to my bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he set his chin on top of my head. "You'll know when you found the right one."

"Like when you and dad fell in love? You two are basically made for each other." He chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I guess your right. But cheer up, you're only 13. You don't have to start worrying about a man yet. Other wise I feel to old. I want you to stay my baby girl, not a woman yet."

"You're not old. But you know what will make you feel old?"


"The vision of me getting a boyfriend..."


"Me getting married..."

"Oh god not yet."

"And grandchildren!"

"Oh my god, I think you're killing me with this." He said as he put his arm against his forehead. Acting like he was going to faint.

"But right now, I'm still your little girl."

"That's good." He said before he put his arm back around me. We always know how to cheer each other up.

Words: 656
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!

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