Chapter 3

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4 days later...

Tina's P.O.V.

People at school have been avoiding me. I have a almost dead look on face when I'm at school. But when I'm at home, I put on a mask, or a fake smile. And fake my happiness. Len knows I'm faking. I told him to not tell our our parents, I would tell them when I was ready. But I will never tell them that I want to die. It would break their hearts.

I was sitting at my desk at free period. I was getting a head start on my homework, since no wants to talk to me. And Len was with his friends. After awhile, a group of boys came to me.

"Well, isn't the the gay girl." The boy in the front said. I didn't say anything in response.

"I was wondering since you and Len are twins, is he gay too?" Now they're starting to get on my nerves. They can say all the want about me, but nothing about my little brother.

"Wait he probably isn't, he's eyed a few girls. But he's a chicken to go talk to them. But one thing I still wonder, are you gay because of..." Don't say anything else. "Your parents?" That's when I went off. I stood up and pouched the boy in the face. Which he ended up in him landing on his butt. I got on top of him and he fought back. We scratched each other and he pulled on my long hair. One of his friends went go get a teacher. Mr. Jones broke us up. And Ms. Wilson held me against her, keeping the boy out of my reach.

We were both sent to the principle's office. The school nurse tined to our scratches. He had a bruise on his cheek and had a few bandages on his face and arms. And I had a bandage on my cheek and under my chin. They called our parents. His mom came to school first. Of course she made sure I didn't hurt him to bad, which I hope I hurt him worse after what he said. Dad, or Hide you would know him as, was off work today. So, he came to the school.

He came into the office in a slight panic. He made sure I was okay before looking at the mom. Who had a mad look on her face and her arms crossed. Dad stood me up out of my chair and put his hand on my head, to force to bow. He bowed too. And said he was sorry for my actions. I wasn't feeling any emotion right now. So, I wasn't sorry for the boy. He deserved it my opinion. But I would later feel sorry for dad, saying he was sorry for want I did. He did raised me better then that.

Len stayed at school, since there was about five hours left. And me and dad went home.

Words: 504
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!

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