Chapter 12

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Tina's P.O.V.

I'm 18 now and in college. Len and I went to different colleges. The one I went to was might for art and was closer to home. While the college Len went to was more like the college that papa and dad went to when they were our age.

It's my first day and I'm in my 3rd class. I was doodling in my notebook.

"Mind if I sit here?" I sweet girl voice asked. I turned my head to face her. She had short drown hair, almost like a boy's hair style. She was wearing jeans and a green polo shirt.

"She's really tom boyish." I thought.

"Sure, go ahead." I said before she sat down next to me.

"My name's Rachel. What's yours?" She asked with a smile. I felt my heart start to race.

"Oh no, I can't feel this way. I need to keep this feels hidden." I thought.

"Tina Nagachika." I replied.

Time skip~~ Tina is 21 now~~

Me and Rachel are 21 now. We graduated and have jobs. She works for animation company and I make my own manga. Us being the legal age to drink, so we drank to celebrate something. I forgot what it was. Either way I drank a little to much and got drunk. I was hugging on Rachel.

"Kiss me~!" I said before a hiccup.

"You're drunk."

"But I want to kiss you~" I said before another hiccup.

"Fine but just one, okay?" She said as she blushed.

"Yay~!" I said before she kissed me. Then we pulled away. "I love you, Rachel." Instead of her having an angry look, she looked happy before she kissed me again. And things went from there.

I woke up the next morning in my bed. But it felt different. I felt arms around my waist and bare breasts against my back. I turned over and saw Rachel's face. And I realized we were completely naked. I sat up and I sat on the edge of the bed and held my face in my hands.

How could I do this? I thought I knew better.

Words: 362
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!

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