Chapter 11

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Tina's P.O.V.

Once I got home I went to mine and Len's shared room. Yes we're 16 and still sharing a room. I laid down on my bed and cried, just like three years ago. But I'm bigger now. I heard the bedroom door open and a weight sit on the bed.

"Come here." I knew that voice. It was dad. He had me sit up and he hugged me. I cried into his chest.

"Shhh-shhhh." He said as he started to rub my back and kissed my on the head. I stopped crying after a few minutes.

"What happened?" He asked.

"J-Jack was cheating on me." I said. Dad sighed and held me tighter.

"Do you need me to kick his ass? For doing something like that to someone as amazing as my daughter."


"You're papa can do it. I wouldn't hold him back. And you know Jack won't ever cheat again after papa gets done with him."

"Still no."

"Alright. Not like I wanted to kick his ass anyway." He jokingly said. I giggled.

"Could I have ice cream? Ice cream makes everything better."

"Yeah, you can." He said as he let me go and I was given ice cream. It was a Saturday night, so that meant movie night for this household. I got to choose. I chose "Mary and the witches flower". (A/N: it's a good movie. Go watch it.)

Papa got to know what Jack did. And papa smacked him one time, but very hard. I felt a little guilty for him, but it was to satisfying to watch. Jack is tall and I'm only a inch or two taller then papa. So, some people got to this short man smack someone who was a head taller then him.

And I avoided Jack until graduation.

Words: 312
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!

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