Chapter 7

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2 days later...

Tina's P.O.V.

Papa finally let me go to school. It's Wednesday. If anything happens at school, Len will tell them. And my teacher is going to keep an eye about things that happen when she's around. As I walked through the halls, I heard people say things behind my back.

"She really came back?"

"Why isn't she dead yet?"

"Can't she just go away?"

"She should just die."

I heard other things too. And if my teacher doesn't catch anything, Len will tell dad and papa the thing people say about me. The day just went by like any other horrible day.

Time ship~~

Kaneki's P.O.V.

Me, Hide, and Mrs. Okumura met up after school to see if anything happened.

"Nice to see two..." She started. " You told me to see if anything happens, but I didn't see anything happen in front of me. But I did find this on your daughter's desk." She said as she pulled her phone out, turned it on, and give it to us. What we saw, we were shocked.

Her desk had things like 'go die' and 'kill yourself' on it.

Words: 227
Sorry it's short and a little crappy.
Hope you enjoyed anyway.
How do you think Kaneki and Hide are going to react?
Until next time!

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